耕耘心靈(英)__法輪法語   釋隆門圓通法師




覺海虛空起 娑婆業浪流

若人登彼岸 極樂有歸舟











Cultivation of the Soul—XIX


Realization arises from the Void.

With karmas, one is wandering in the Saha World.

If people wish to reach the opposite shore, 

There will be a boat for them to go to the Pure Land.


The mind is the essence of the sea of realization.  An intention may embody the universe, and, with its large quantity, may be pervasive all over the realms of sands.  People fail to realize due to their intentions, so ignorance arises and karmas are created.  The realms in the Great Void of the Ten Directions form.  Sentient beings are like the bubbles in the sea that keep generating and disappearing.  They wander according to their karmas and get reincarnated again and again.


In this Saha World of tolerance, how do we avoid floating with our karmas, escape from reincarnations, and attain peace and ease?  The Buddha said that if we can believe in the Pure Land, ask for it with pleasure, and be mindful of the name of Amitabha Buddha sincerely, then when we are breathing our last breath, He, with His 48 Great Vows, will come to receive us.


Even though we have deep karmic hindrances, as long as we sincerely repent and are wholeheartedly mindful of Buddhas, when the time is ripe, we will reach the opposite shore to see the flowers blooming and realize anutpattika-dharma-kṣānti.


In this Saha World, everybody must go through birth, old age, sickness, and death, whether he is rich or poor, noble or lowly.  Life is like lightning, so we should be aware of the impermanent, cultivate our minds, abandon attachment, and enter the incredible realization sea as well as the Dharma Sea of the Void.


We are piously making offerings to the Three Treasures of permanent residence, sentient beings in the Dharma realm, Amitabha Buddha in the Pure Land, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva, and all the Bodhisattvas in the Pure Sea Assembly in the hope that they will enter the One Suchness to accept the offering of the real incense.  This is how I feel in the chanting assembly today.


Thank you and let us share this article.


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. IV), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. Translated by Huei Ping Chang.











福田心耕 與眾共勉




The Cultivation of the Soul—XVIII


Q:  When my heart is too disconcerted to tolerate during the cultivation, what should I do?

A:  There are naturally tests for you during the cultivation.  You should bear in mind that people are very painful when they are about to die, like the exuviating turtle.  This results from the fact that they do not subdue their hearts and do not cultivate beforehand.  Also think about the fact that the sufferings in the next lifetime result from not cultivating in this lifetime.  Now you can get rid of karmic hindrances to prevent the sufferings in the next lifetime from happening, which can be called skillful convenience.  Fantasies may suddenly cease.  As long as you give something a second thought, it will become empty and silent at once.


The habitual tendencies of ordinary people are difficult to notice, like the rare weeds on a flat land that are hard to pull up.  But if you force them to grow and then wait to pull up the roots, you have no choice but to pull them.  During the time when you are diligently cultivating, you can subdue your mind via operating the situations and cultivating your mind.


Cultivating day and night without distracting thoughts is real diligence.  Having no distracting thoughts does not mean that you are not working hard.  People and matters come and go and are inevitable, so you should often observe and reflect with your wisdom without being bothered by helpless, unnecessary things.  Always keep alert.


Do not seek miscellaneous affinities.  Know that the nature of everything is empty and bear no suspense in mind, then you won’t be polluted, and the distracting thoughts and fantasies will suddenly cease.


Cultivate the blessing field with the heart.  Let us encourage each other with this article.


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. IV), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. Translated by Huei Ping Chang.


















Cultivating the Soul—XVII


There are countless lotuses of seven treasures in the realm of the Western Paradise.

The tassels and stamens appear on the golden platform with myriad of petals.

With the pond water of the eight merits, it is as vast as a king-sized mountain.

The jade trees of hundreds of treasures are lining up with magnificent fragrant radiances.

Numerous Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are entering Samadhi in radiance.

The first chapter is being lectured on, and those who are hearing can transcend kalpas and confirm Bodhi.


The Western Pure Land is wide and flat, stretching as far as the eye can see.  It is extremely widespread, with the grounds paved with seven jewels or colored glass.  The roads are made of gold.  Some grounds and roads are paved with inexpressible treasures.  Various kinds of arrangements are naturally made, with a great variety of wonderful flowers floating.  


There, gorgeous patterns are formed by the natural combination of colors.  The land is as beautiful as a picture, soft, bright, cozy, wondrous, and fragrant.  Ponds with all kinds of treasure spring scatter about like stars in the sky.  There are countless sandal trees near the banks.  The auspicious trees with fruits continuously give out a pleasant smell.  The trees and railings are arranged in order, and the treasure trees are all naturally composed of one or two, or even numerous kinds of jewels.


The wonderful trees and treasure woods are the manifestation of Amitabha’s wisdom.  The lotuses, ponds, pavilions, and banners, which are too wonderful for words, are also built up with the flawless merits of Amitabha Buddha.


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. III), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. Translated by Huei Ping Chang.





芥子納太虛  大小可互攝

剎那入長劫  一多妙同時

一念超百億  廣狹能一體

萬流歸一心  清濁亦互具










大智發於心 於心無所尋

成就一切義 無古亦無今



Cultivating the Soul—XVI


The sesame seed can contain the universe.  

Big objects and small ones can absorb each other.  

A short moment enters a long kalpa.  

One and many are simultaneously wondrous. 

A flash of thought can transcend tens of billions of thoughts.  

Wide and narrow things can be an integral whole. 

Myriad of flows return to the single mind.  

There is impurity in purity and purity in impurity.


Various dharma seas include the doctrine dharma sea and the pratyaksa-pramana of cultivation and confirmation.  The doctrine dharma include countless sentences and dharma skandhas according to sutras, principles, and theories.  The confirmation dharma seas include countless confirmed virtues according to precepts, Samadhi, and wisdom.  All these can be called seas.  


Usually beginners can understand only a limited part if they employ the general way of the cultivation of viewing, or they may understand only the literal meanings but do not know anything about the realm of the inner confirmation.  They have to gradually and realistically view and reflect in order to know the principles.  


The sesame seed can contain the universe.  Practitioners should form aspirations to confirm the eyes of wisdom so that at each moment they can differentiate and see the sea-like doctrines.


The supreme realms of all dharmas can suddenly illuminate all the phenomena in the universe.  The eyes of wisdom can immediately see the sea-like doctrines and confirmations and clearly understand all the details of the boundless dharmas without any mistakes.  


A verse goes, “Great wisdom originates from the mind in which there is nothing to search for.  It achieves all the principles that know no differences between ancient and modern times.”


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. III), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. Translated by Huei Ping Chang.












共勉 感恩




Cultivate the Soul—XV

When one is deluded, he follows the principles.  When one is         enlightened, the principles follow him.  One may spend a thousand days cultivating diligently, but it takes just a little while for him to get enlightened.  Buddhism learners should avoid giving rise to false thoughts, and those who keep sitting for a long time should avoid getting dizzy.  The more one wants to calm down, the more wishful thinking he will have which will arise one after another.  All the arising thinking is the false thought and actions also result from false thoughts.  After those with higher capabilities cultivate hard, they will experience the intrinsic truth without confirmation.


If we have no deficiency and surplus, if we are tranquil and bright, and if we do not gain anything from others, then we can say that all these come from the innate existence of our own.  But if we don’t obey the principles but give rise to wishful thinking and shift according to the karma, then we are facing life and death.  


Those who want to sever life and death are busy cultivating, while those who do not know the existence life and death are busy toiling.


We should know that a slight thought can be the karmic cause of the Three Paths.  People may have too many miscellaneous thoughts for the whole day.  Be aware that if a slight thought is not noticed and if wishful thinking is not ceased, there will be totally different causes and conditions.


It takes three to five years for one to master a skill and earn a living, let alone the transcendental, supreme, and wondrous dharma that may even be more difficult to master.


This day has passed, and the lifespan has accordingly reduced.  This is an eternal truth.  Beware of the impermanent and be diligent.  Let’s encourage each other with article.  Thank you!


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. III), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. Translated by Huei Ping Chang.





















Cultivate the Soul—XIII


When you have something to do, cast the shadow on the mirror. 

When you have nothing to do, return to the empty brightness.  

In birth and extinction, the image on the mirror will appear.  

When affinities are responded, the mirror is still there.   

There is no self-consciousness when you return to the origin.  

In times immemorial there was neither existence nor non-existence.  

Principles are replete with compassion and wisdom.  

In emptiness the benefits of doctrines will be hoisted.  

All the goodness is constructed in emptiness, and all wisdom arise from within the nature.  

Bright virtues are practiced widely, and the Buddha Moon pervasively reflects.


Buddhist practitioners should learn to be as simple-minded as a small child.  Simple-mindedness may bring pure thoughts which can make you free from afflictions.  The reason why you feel it difficult to do things is that your cultivation and ability are not good enough.  


To practice Buddhism is to train your mind to be capable enough to face your life and shoulder responsibilities.  Life is to cultivation what seeds are to water.  Once we blend in our minds, the innate roots of goodness will be revealed soon.  


Wake up your self-nature.  Know that all dharmas are made from the mind.  No matter how big your heart is, everybody receives equally.  The amount of the retribution is incredibly large.  People who always do kinds deeds will lead a meaningful and wonderful life.


Having gone through tortures of many kalpas, we will still take the wrong, winding roads if we cannot meet the right dharma.  We should turn cultivation into confirmation and understanding, with reasons replete and matters embellished.


Virtuous ones!  Know time fleets and rise vigorously!  Clearly see the self-nature as innately pure, and its significance includes all phenomena.  Let’s all return to the supreme Bodhi, and this is my expectation of you all.


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. III), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong.  Translated by Huei Ping Chang.





日輪當午正中天 普見高低物像全

阿鼻獄中真淨土 蛣蜣身裏紫金仙

迷家蕩子殊堪愍 背父痴兒實可憐

今日始知歸故里 劫初田地尚依然














Working Diligently on the Soul—VII


Between eleven AM and one PM, the sun is right in the middle of the sky.

Everything, high or low, is clearly seen.

The Avici Hell is the real Pure Land, and 

Inside the beetle’s body is the purple golden fairy.

A loafer away from home is worthy of a pity, and 

So is a foolish child away from his father.

Not until now does he know that he should return home.

The fields tilled when the sentient realms just formed are still there.


Man is not necessarily perfect.  Everything in the world is always disposed by destiny, more or less.  Do not worry, and do not be timid.  Why should we be weighed down with anxiety?  The prosperity in the golden valley is like the dust under the eyes.  The sorrowful sounds of the pan pipes in Dan Yang County are heard.  Plain clothes and simple food are enough for daily life and may keep one living an awkward life.  


There are three approaches for Bodhisattvas:  always bear a sincere mind, never cheat Buddhas, and never cheat yourself and all sentient beings.


Let’s encourage each other with this.


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. II), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong.  Translated by Huei Ping Chang.