法輪法語 2021.8月   釋隆門圓通法師

民國110年08月30日 法語分享

A Share of Tzulong Dharma Text


All Dharmas arise from causes and conditions, and extinguish from causes and conditions, too.  To lecture on the Three Vehicle Dharma is to form affinities with living beings.

A Share of Tzulong Dharma Text


Abide in tranquility when you are in the seat, and the innate perception nature will rise naturally and then peacefully abide in the azure brightness.  When you leave the seat for a rest, go on confronting the pure perception mind and the equality wisdom.


Shih Longmen Yuantong,

Palms together

A Share of Tzulong Dharma Text


Observe the clear bright silence

With an unoccupied silent mind.

With a tranquil empty soul

One will be quiet, contented and comfortable.


Shih Longmen Yuantong, Palms together

A Share of Tzulong Dharma Text


The Unbounded Treasure Samadhi

The tree that has been withered for a thousand years comes alive only because of its resolution.  

All can see the great brightness.

The brightness in the universe is rare.

The void functions as music.

Light will be seen day and night.

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民國110年08月16日 阿彌佛陀四十八大願_影音 33-40

民國110年08月16日 阿彌佛陀四十八大願_影音 25-32

民國110年08月16日 阿彌佛陀四十八大願_影音 17-24

民國110年08月16日 阿彌佛陀四十八大願_影音 9-16

民國110年08月16日 阿彌佛陀四十八大願_影音 1-8