法輪法語 2022.02月  釋隆門圓通法師


A Share of Tzulong Dharma Text


If one plays in the net of light with the magnificence of Śakro devānām indraḥ universally, he will transcend the violent flow of desires.  Such a place is called the land of travelling afar.


The Praise of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Asking the Dharma Body, the Great Collection Sutra of Hundreds of Thousands of Odes


A Share of Tzulong Dharma Text


One will stay out of dirt if he can illuminate on the nets of extinction, spoiling, and afflictions.  If one can stay out of the boundless darkness, he will be in what is called the land of radiation.


The Praise of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Asking the Dharma Body, the Great Collection Sutra of Hundreds of Thousands of Odes


A Share of Tzulong Dharma Text


If one often stays in contaminations, he may have various kinds of dirt such as desires.  Without dirt, one will gain purity and stays in what is called the land without dirt. 


The Praise of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Asking the Dharma Body, the Great Collection Sutra of Hundreds of Thousands of Odes


A Share of Tzulong Dharma Text


If one is able to turn what he relies on when in contamination, he will be relying on purity.  If he can get enlightened from this, he will be in an extremely joyful land. 


The Praise of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Asking the Dharma Body, the Great Collection Sutra of Hundreds of Thousands of Odes


A Share of Tzulong Dharma Text


If one can absorb three kinds of Bodhi, he will make achievements.  The place with profound arising and extinction is called the manifestation land.


The Praise of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Asking the Dharma Body, the Great Collection Sutra of Hundreds of Thousands of Odes


A Share of Tzulong Dharma Text


The body is achieved by wisdom and is as pure as the Great Void.  It is abode by by buddhas and is as widespread as the dharma clouds.  It is what the Buddhist Dharma relies on and is abode by by both actions and results.  Whatever one relies on can turn, and is thus called the dharma body.


The Praise of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Asking the Dharma Body, the Great Collection Sutra of Hundreds of Thousands of Odes


A Share of Tzulong Dharma Text


All kinds of wise skills are decorated by calm considerations.  If one can overcome afflictions, he will be in the hard-won land.


The Praise of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Asking the Dharma Body, the Great Collection Sutra of Hundreds of Thousands of Odes


A Share of Tzulong Dharma Text


Everything is reinforced by the Buddha and enters the sea of wisdom in advance.  If one is unrestrained without functions, he won’t be moved and driven by devils.  With all the penetrating understandings, he will reach the opposite shore with yoga.  The place where the dharma is discussed is called the land of goodness and wisdom.


The Praise of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Asking the Dharma Body, the Great Collection Sutra of Hundreds of Thousands of Odes







Amitāyus!  Auspiciousness to everybody!


The Snow Mountain is filled with fragrant plum flowers in cold winter.

Sarnath is full of Śrmaṇa Zen.

Noble and virtuous integrity cleanses mundane considerations.

Brahmacaryā is always lofty.


~Ran Shih, palms joined.

Dharma Wheel Monastery



Peace and auspiciousness to everybody!


Discharge the mist in your heart.

The Vulture Peak originally has no mist.

The direct manifestation of consciousness does not differentiate.

Who is puzzled, and who is enlightened?


~Longmen, palms joined.

Dharma Wheel Monastery


Namo Sakyamuni Buddha


When one is in a high position, he should not stay away from the low ones.  

When he is learning the laws of Nature, he should further learn the ways of the world.

One should learn the Three Vehicles to deal with his habitual tendencies.

When one is in a low position, he should not stay away from the high ones.  

When he is learning the ways of the world, he should further learn the laws of Nature.

One should learn the One Vehicle to manifest his innately pure and wondrous mind.

Forms are neither high nor low.

The Three Vehicles are the One Vehicle. 

Expedients (doctrines of the Small Vehicle) and realities (doctrines of the Great Vehicle) are one.


~Longmen Ran Shih, palms joined.

Dharma Wheel Monastery


Amitāyus!  Auspiciousness to everybody!


I cultivate and return to the Hua Tzang self-nature realm.

When I ascend the innate perception flower of the pure mind,

All my mind is on this land with circumstantial retribution and direct retribution being consummate.

The Buddha land of self-nature is magnificent everywhere.


Because of teaching, one can ally with the Buddhist principles.  

Because of principles, one can give rise to wondrous actions.

Because of actions, one can confirm the sacred fruit.

Because of fruit, one can perfect the enlightened Buddha.

The five periods of time are one period.

The eight schools are of one mind.


~Longmen Yuantong, palms joined.

Dharma Wheel Monastery


Namo Sakyamuni Buddha


I am willing to entrust my life to the Three Jewels.

I don’t haggle about what is true and what is false.

The natural dharma realms are all Buddha treasures.

They all radiate the pure light without propagation.

The real realm of principles are innately replete.

There is no need to strive for it from outside.

Whether one will gain the circumstantial retribution or direct retribution in the Ten Realms depends on himself.

Who will realize my earnest and well-meaning advice?


We can know numerous things from one, and know one thing from numerous ones.


~Ran Shih, palms joined.

Dharma Wheel Monastery


A Share of Tzulong Dharma Text


In each flower, there is a realm which is a pure land.

We should widely cultivate the field of blessings and make the wondrous offerings.

I wish that everybody is auspicious.


Gratitude to all.

Longmen Yuantong
