法輪法語 2021.10月  釋隆門圓通法師

20211020_045 何謂淨土

045 何謂淨土


中文原著:隆門圓通法師  英文翻譯:張惠平

Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong  Translated by Huei Ping Chang




(一)      法性土、(二)受用土、(三)變化土。








What Is Pure Land?


Q:  How many kinds of Pure Lands are there?

A:  There are three kinds of Buddha Lands:  The Dharma Nature Land, the Benefiting Land, and the Transformational Land.


The word “Buddha” means one who has been enlightened.  There are three types of manifestation of the wisdom of those who have been enlightened. The first one is the Benefiting Land, which is divided into the Self-Benefiting Land and the Other-Benefiting Land.  The former is accomplished by the Great Perfect Mirror Wisdom.  If there is something in front of a mirror, the image of this something can be reflected, but only the mirror can know and can measure it. 


The feelings about something vary from person to person.  If you feel pleasant when seeing a landscape, only you can feel it, but I can’t.  This is self-benefiting.


If we want to always stay in the Dharma Nature Land, we also need to have the Great Perfect Mirror Wisdom, which is a kind of observation power.  It’s more difficult to observe everything with a perfect, unrestrained mind in order to gain the real form wisdom.


It’s easier to stay in the Self-Benefiting Land, Other-Benefiting Land, or Transformational Land.  The Other-Benefiting Land is accomplished by the Equal Nature Wisdom, while the Transformational Land is the Transformational Embodiment that belongs to the Karma undertaking and therefore is accomplished by the Achievement Wisdom.


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol.II), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong.




20211020_044 博地凡夫

044 博地凡夫


中文原著:隆門圓通法師  英文翻譯:張惠平

Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong   Translated by Huei Ping Chang


娑婆世有苦人多   自造新殃可奈何

滿地蓬蒿春不到   一身枷鎖夜難熬

稱寃莫更呼天地   呌痛應須念佛陀

三界從來是牢獄   勸君及早出娑婆












Ordinary People in the Ample Land


There are so many people suffering in this Saha World.

What can people do if they have created calamities themselves?

The fleabane and celery wormwood are everywhere on the ground.

Those who are fettered all over the body have a hard time going through the night.

Those who suffer injustice should not shout at heaven and earth.

When in pain, they should be mindful of Amitabha Buddha.

The Three Realms have always been like jails, so I suggest that you get out of the Saha World as soon as possible.


In this world, people see little of each other though living nearby.  We have to go through many things and many different kinds of moods.  Ordinary people in this ample land may say a wide variety of things from their karmic hearts.  Life needs repetitions, but we cannot repeat our mistakes.


Let us encourage each other with this.


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol.II), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong.




20211020_043 築夢與真如

043 築夢與真如


中文原著:隆門圓通法師  英文翻譯:張惠平

Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong   Translated by Huei Ping Chang


慧業文人道易成   休誇才思負聰明

數篇未足充飢餓   半字何曾敵死生

綺語化為真實語   吟聲翻作苦空聲

樂邦大有佳章在   水鳥風枝盡會賡





你是否在追求著 --- 美。




例如:賡續為 「持續不斷」的意思。




Dream Building and True Suchness


Literati with wise undertakings can easily get enlightened, but don’t brag that you are creative with smartness.

Just a few chapters of literary work are not enough to allay your hunger; has a single word ever resisted life and death?

Flowery talk should turn into real talk, and the sounds of recitation should turn into those of bitterness and emptiness.

A happy land is filled with nice articles, and the water birds there will continue to sway the branches.


Living in this world, one needs singing and dancing, but he should not lead a befuddled existence.  One needs games, but he should not be hot-headed in dealing with matters.


Goodness is not perfection, but it will become perfect.  Are you pursuing the truth, goodness, and beauty?


Auspiciousness to everybody!


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol.II), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong.



20211020_042 放下

042 放下


中文原著:隆門圓通法師  英文翻譯:張惠平

Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong  Translated by Huei Ping Chang


世間萬事總浮雲 只有詩書差可人

千卷西窗殘月夜 束編東閣亂山春

吟聲未若佛聲好 書味何如道味真

識得自心清淨土 文章糟粕不堪陳










Let It Go


Everything in the world is like floating clouds, and only literature is barely satisfactory.

A thousand books in the western window spoils the moonlit night, while those tied up in the eastern attic disturb the mountainous spring.

The sounds of reciting books are not as good as those of reciting sutras, and the smell of books is not as real as that of the Buddhist principles.

If we know the pure land in our own minds, writings will be like dregs that cannot stand statement.


Only when you calm down can you hear your hearts.  Calm down, sit down, and quietly appreciate the blooming and falling of flowers.  Then you will not be deluded and pursue things.


Auspiciousness to everybody!


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol.II), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong.







中文原著:隆門圓通法師  英文翻譯:張惠平

Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong  Translated by Huei Ping Chang






















分享大眾  吉祥 






Put your own conviction into practice.  When you are cultivating, correct your mind for the sake of cultivation.  This is based upon formless blissing, and perseverance is very important.  Accumulate blissing and momentum with which you may start to influence your inner world.


Then you will feel that remarkable joy has been increased and progress has been made.  Also you will feel that the operation within yourself is under your control.


In this world, people might be criticized or frustrated more or less.  When most needed, confidence may help you overcome all difficulties.


It is most important to be able to enjoy work and cultivating Buddhist Dharma.   Because you won’t work or do your homework in the midnight, you don’t have to feel the Dharma joy by working in the midnight.


If you have changed yourself, you have to get used to the change and continuously elevate yourself and grow. 


Changing the mind, body, speech, thought, and behavior may enhance your own blissing and merit.  Starting from yourself, keep moving toward your inner world. 


The greatest achievement is having changed yourself.


I hereby share this with everybody.  Auspiciousness to all.



Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. I), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong.





中文原著:隆門圓通法師  英文翻譯:張惠平

Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong  Translated by Huei Ping Chang
























                    小品舒文分享 吉祥



Make a Good Wish for Yourself


One day, Amitabha Buddha and Sakyamuni Buddha met and praised each other’s incredible merits of benefiting sentient beings.


One day, countless Bodhisattvas gathered and praised each other’s merits of transforming sentient beings with their own approaches.


One day, devas and guardian devas gathered and praised each other’s merits of guarding.


One day, when friendship and love met, love asked friendship, “Since there is already me in this world, why is there you, too?”  Friendship answered with a smile, “Love makes people shed tears, so friendship is there to wipe their tears.” 


I transplant the rice seedlings all over the paddy.

The moment I bow my head, I see the sky in the water.

To purify the Six Consciousnesses is the right path.

To draw back is actually to go forward.


Virtuous ones, if you are leading a tiring life, it’s because there are too many things influencing your mood.


Make a good wish for yourself:  Wish that you have a supreme great vow that is as powerful as Amitabha Buddha’s to rescue all living beings, bring them out of bitterness, and give them happiness.


Make a good wish for all living beings:  Wish that they will be as boundlessly wise as Sakyamuni Buddha, will educate all the deluded ones, and will perfect the sadness, joy, separation, and gathering in the world with great vows.  No one will be misled by the Five Desires and Six Contaminations.  If one has a peaceful mind, he will be like the Bodhisattva cool moon that wanders in the Utmost Void.


Let us share this short article.


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. I), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong.




中文原著:隆門圓通法師  英文翻譯:張惠平

Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong  Translated by Huei Ping Chang





























When You Are Rich


When you are rich, be more compassionate and charitable.  Use your mind, body, speech, and thought to do charitable deeds.


If you are diligent, be more compassionate and charitable.  Recite sutras and worship Buddhas, and then turn the merit towards those who are still suffering.


If you are reciting mantras, be more compassionate and charitable.  Recite the Great Compassion Mantra seven times a day and turn the merit towards others to bring them away from the pain of the Three Evil Paths.


Reciting sutras, worshipping and being mindful of Buddhas, and reciting mantras can be big charities.  As long as you are perseverant, you will gradually feel the force of the sutras.


If you have money, be more compassionate and charitable.   In this human world, poor people need money badly.  It’s more blessed to give than to receive.  Poor people may stay out of poverty because of your financial assistance.


Life can be changed.  Our aim is to learn to be compassionate and to abandon things with joy.  The most important thing is to cultivate a compassionate mind and make our souls broader.  A person is great when he can tolerate and forgive.  I hereby invite everyone to walk the humanistic Bodhisattva Path.


Let’s encourage each other with this.



Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. I), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong.


中文原著:隆門圓通法師  英文翻譯:張惠平

Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong  Translated by Huei Ping Chang







吉祥 分享



As Time Goes By


Time and tide wait for no man.  The prime of one’s life will not come back.  Busy days always fleet unconsciously. 


In the association between people, secret agreement only comes out by accident.  In the process of cultivation, I often feel that I am living my life for people’s needs. 


The only thing that makes me feel most free and comfortable is when I am doing my homework and meditating during the silent night.  Well goes the proverb, “Sages have always been lonely since ancient times.”


We should encourage ourselves with the following:  it’s hard to conduct ourselves, because we don’t know how.  Just because it’s hard to conduct ourselves, we have to endeavor to do it.  Even though it won’t be as perfect as we want, at least we should feel no shame when looking into our hearts. 


When we are sick, we go to see doctors.  But when we are frustrated, we should rely on ourselves and Buddhist Dharma to make ourselves robust. 


Let’s spread love all over the world, and cultivate affinities with compassion.  Also we should be diligent with a pure mind and should not loathe the bitterness of the world. 


Gold and jade are not precious; what’s really precious is to put on a kasaya.  Everybody, life is bitter.  This day has passed.  Fleeting time will never return, so cherish it well.


Auspiciousness to you all.  Let’s share this.


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. I), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong.