法輪法語 2021.9月 釋隆門圓通法師




中文原著:隆門圓通法師  英文翻譯:張惠平

Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong  Translated by Huei Ping Chang






    太虛大師言:「仰止唯佛陀,完成在人格,人成即佛成,是名真實現。」 這話是說依止佛陀的真理,修習智德、培養健全的人格,使人達到完美品德的教法,才是學佛的真義。





Ananda Asking the World-Honored One


Arya Ananda asked the World-Honored One, “Among the body, speech, and mind, which one is the most important?”  The World-Honored One answered, “The mind is the most important, the speech is the second most important, and the body is the third.”


Because of the pure mind, the body and speech will be upright.  Whatever one does will turn towards goodness.  The Agama Sutra says, “Do not do any kind of evil deeds, but follow every kind of goodness.  One’s mind should be purified.  This is called Buddhism.”


From here we know that purifying one’s mind and correcting one’s heart are of top importance.  The Buddha said, “The motivation for making karmas comes from one’s consciousness.  So everyone can be reformed from within.”


The body, speech, and mind are where karmas start.  If one can oftentimes reserve goodness and sever evil in his body, speech, and mind, he will be able to create good karmas and benefit both himself and others.


On the contrary, if one reserves evil and does bad deeds in his body, speech, and mind, he might create Ten Evil Karmas and harm society and people.


Master Tai Shi said, “One should admire only the Buddha and complete his personality.  Once he has made his personality complete, his cultivation of Buddhism will also be complete.  Such is called true realization.”  This means that it would be the real meaning of the cultivation of Buddhism if one can rely on the truths rendered by the Buddha, cultivate wisdom and virtue, develop a healthy and replete personality, and attain a perfect character.


Learning to be a Buddha can help curb external bad deeds and purify internal thoughts.  If so, Buddhist Dharma can help establish a pure land in the human realm, and Buddhism will be suitable for the needs of the era.


Auspiciousness to you all.  Let’s share this.



Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. I), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong.




中文原著:隆門圓通法師  英文翻譯:張惠平

Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong  Translated by Huei Ping Chang




















A Share of the Soul Bodhi


The Buddha taught us various dharma approaches in the hope that people could confirm, transcend, and liberate in this life.  The fundamental doctrines remind us of the real status of existence.


The rise of affinities is a fact of existence that has much to do with our life.  Emptiness is in fact a natural phenomenon under the rule of the rise of affinities.  The Middle Way is the lively, natural fulfillment view.  The moving wisdom of staying in the middle keeps one away from the relativity like existence vs. non-existence, gain vs. loss, and so on in this life and makes one experience and confirm emptiness.


The body and mind naturally become pure and peaceful because of the realistic observation.  If one’s mind abides in emptiness and the Middle Way, gets open and liberated, and adheres to nothing, then he will penetrate the reality of the universe and life.


If one adheres to nothing, he will own nothing.  If one owns nothing, he will have no hindrance.  All the worries, sadness, and afflictions in life will naturally disappear under the fulfillment of emptiness and the Middle Way.


Affinities exist between people, and exchange exists between hearts.

A sincere heart exists in love, and forgiveness exists for wrongdoings.

When cultivating Buddhism, you have to cherish and be grateful for all the people, matters, objects, chances, etc. around you.


In this lost era, the indulging way of life cannot help one find a correct path.  So it is very important to have the guidance of Buddhism.


Auspiciousness to you all.


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. I), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong.





中文原著:隆門圓通法師  英文翻譯:張惠平

Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong  Translated by Huei Ping Chang

















104. 12. 19 吉祥  


A Share of the Soul Bodhi


Time is impartial to everyone.  The value of one’s life depends on how he makes use of time.


Some cultivators of Buddhism may get stuck and become dispirited when encountering something they cannot understand.  They should be diligent, brave, and move forward with joy.  Their life should be navigated with diligent cultivation.


Discipline the nature of the mind in a plain way.  Face life with gratitude.  Patience is the force for cultivation. 


We should treat people sincerely when dealing with them.  Tolerance is part of self-cultivation and softness is an effective strategy for handling matters.  If we can cherish blessings and affinities with gratitude, it will be part of our assets.  What should be cherished between people is treating each other with sincerity.


The cultivation of Buddhism should be focused on the mind.  To adjust one’s mind is to elevate his soul.  We should change our habitual tendencies and way of thinking and bring what we have learned about Buddhism into life to deal with people, matters and objects so that the dharma water will flow into our life.


Auspiciousness to you all.


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. I), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. 


2021.09.09學佛菩提 分享

學佛菩提 分享


中文原著:隆門圓通法師  英文翻譯:張惠平

Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong  Translated by Huei Ping Chang













分享 吉祥



Learn to Be a Buddha and Cultivate the Bodhi

Sentient beings still possess the True Suchness Buddha nature when they are in the non-beginning delusion and contaminated situations.  As long as they abandon their thoughts and contaminations, they can immediately attain purity which is equal to True Suchness.


In the Ten Mysterious Approaches, the secret, the hidden, and the visible can all be approaches.  The moon alone can clarify the sky, where dark and brightness coexist.


Such a phenomenal realm absorbed by the innate perception is pure at the moment, and this situation is pervasive in all phenomenal realms.  Among the Ten Mysterious Approaches, the Indra-jala Net (Heavenly Emperor Net) Situation Approach has two mirrors reflecting and illuminating each other.


In fact, the phenomenal realm exists only in one mind.  In terms of the Purified Dharma Body, the essence of this mind is within the non-thought purity in which everything absorbed is equally pure.


Among the Ten Mysterious Approaches, the Simultaneously Replete Corresponding Approach is like a drip in the sea that contains the flavors of hundreds of rivers.


At this point, the situation of the essence goes on operating with pure thinking.  This is the illumination of the original perception whose essence possesses the form of pure function and the essence of True Suchness is functioning.


Among the Ten Mysterious Approaches, the Tiny Compatible Securely Standing Approach is like a crystal bottle that contains numerous seeds.


In this function, the thinking consciousness is within the pure situation, and the essence is within this pure state.  This is the original state of all kinds of essence.  In such a state, True Suchness manifests among sentient beings.  It does not depart, and abides in neither birth nor extinction.  So this pure state is explained with the innate perception.


Among the Ten Mysterious Approaches, the Round, Bright, Virtuous Approach is where Polaris is located in and is revolved around by other stars.


I hereby share this with you all.  Auspiciousness to everybody.


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. I), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong.



2021.09.01 法語分享