法輪法語 2022.01月  釋隆門圓通法師












A Share of Tzulong Dharma Text


Peace and auspiciousness to you all!

The harmony of causes and conditions brings us together, which is not easy. Every moment is worth cherishing. There are similar things and different ones in each gathering, and all these are worthy of learning and self-examining. It's impossible for us to be together forever, and history passes leaf after leaf. The life journey in the past, present, and future keeps moving on the incarnation path like scenes of plots.  Only when you realize this can you jump out of the process, cherish everything happening in every encounter in life, and own good karmas. 


I hereby share this with you all.  Thanks.  Amitabha! 


Shih Longmen Yuantong, Palms together

A Share of Tzulong Dharma Text


The Chapter of the Original Story of the Wonderful Solemn King in the Wondrous Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra mentions the following story.  The Wonderful Solemn King has two sons by the names Pure Skandha and Pure Eye.  They tell their mother, "We are Dharma princes, but we were born into a family of evil views."  The mother tells her sons, "You should care about your father.  When you manifest your spiritual transformations, whoever sees you can have a pure mind.  Those who listen to me can reach the Buddha's Realm."  Then the two sons manifest Tathagata forms and make their father purify his mind and gain faith and understanding.


Often there are vikurvanas (spiritual transformations) in the Buddhist sutras for the practitioners to see the mind cause hidden behind the phenomenon

realm which is our best teacher.  We can't expect the difficulties and pains to disappear overnight. So this teacher helps us with the real practice.  A practitioner's mind is a calm one.


Shih Longmen Yuantong, Palms together










感恩和南 阿彌陀佛


A Share of Tzulong Dharma Text


Today we are going to talk about a person’s habit, which is very difficult to correct or educate.  This is because a person’s mind is floating up and down and unsteady before he is enlightened.  Sometimes when one seeks connections or sees situations, he may become frightened and proclaim everywhere.  This is also self-adherence.  At last, his nature will follow these situations and go farther and farther, and will thus deviate from his inherent nature, right thinking, and right views.  Then he will give rise to

complaints, saying that his master’s dharma is not so good.  As a result, he will deviate from the Bodhi-path more and more.  One has to be realistic and practical when cultivating or when doing everything in order to be able to attain the power for cultivation and to perfect his merits.  A practitioner has to cultivate his own power of understanding.


I hereby share this with you all.  Thanks.  Amitabha!


Shih Longmen Yuantong, Palms together







圓通 合十


A Share of Tzulong Dharma Text


 Today we're going to talk about the last chapter of the Flower Adornment Sutra, the Samantabhadra Vows Chapter.  The elite of this chapter is the Ten Great Vows which aims at guiding sentient beings to the Pure Land.  We should know that Samantabhadra told not only Sudhanakumara but also all the enlightened Bodhisattvas who attended the Hua Tzang assembly that as one breaks one percent of ignorance, he will achieve one percent of the Dharma body.   It is not difficult for one to break ignorance and attain Buddhahood, but Samantabhadra Bodhisattva still advised them to reincarnate to the Pure Land. This is because this approach is the treasure of Hua Yen and is very magnificent and is also the secret Bodhi-path for us to practice on.


Shih Longmen Yuantong, Palms together







圓通 合十


The Buddha of Measureless Life! Auspiciousness to you all!

It is very important for us Buddhism cultivators to be diligent, and “Right Diligence” is even more important.  In the Buddha’s days, ascetic practice was very popular among the non-Buddhists, and the Buddha’s disciples could not catch up with them.  However, the non-Buddhists were unable to reach the realm of Nirvana.  The Buddhist disciples asked the Buddha why, and he told them that in Buddhist Dharma there were “Eight Right Paths” which the non-Buddhists did not have.


I hereby share this with you all.  Thanks.

Shih Longmen Yuantong, Palms together















A Share of Tzulong Dharma Text




The Budda of Measureless Life !  Peace and auspiciousness to you all !




 The Buddha talked about 84,000 Dharma approaches.  Why so many?  These approaches manifested according to the different capabilities of living beings.  The Buddha lectured on so many precious approaches because he was compassionate.  When we are mindful of the Buddhas or are practicing approaches of various types, we shall never speak ill of the approaches that we are not practicing.  As the Buddha's disciples, we shall never criticize the approaches that he lectured on.  So, we should be alert to and protect our speech karma and should not unintentionally criticize other approaches.  Otherwise, we will be slandering the Buddhas, Dharma, and sages in the ten directions.

 I hereby share this with you all.  Thank you.



Shih Longmen Yuantong, Palms together