英文法輪法語   釋隆門圓通法師

1111208_the World’s First International Bhikkhunis Magazine & Website (世界上第一本比丘尼雜誌 網站)







當思:名譽地位無常故, 言說話語無常故,









Think About the Impermanent


Everything in this world is changeable and unpredictable.  Being unsteady, it may exist today and disappear tomorrow.  The Anityatā Sūtra says, “The mother earth, the sun, and the moon will all be extinct when their time comes.  There is never a thing that is not devoured by the impermanent.”


Since ancient times, aristocrats, generals, and prime ministers have been reincarnated and have disappeared.  Human affairs are changeful, so one’s wealth, wife, and children will soon be gone.  Hence, none of the people, matters, and objects in this world can escape from the net of the impermanent.  


People in the Saha World have different lifespans.  Some are short lived, and very few of those who enjoy longevity live longer than 36,000 days.  How time flies!  Since we know life is short, we should also know that the issue of life and death is important.  It’s easy to lose the human body, although it‘s rare to be born human.  Therefore, in order to get out of afflictions, we should cultivate diligently in a quiet place and always keep the right thoughts. 


The following are worth pondering:

Reputations and social ranks are impermanent.

Speeches are impermanent.

Affinities and gatherings are impermanent.

Human affairs and all dharmas are impermanent.


People are easily enticed by exterior circumstances and misconceptions are difficult to sever.  Your life will be wasted if you are like them.  A cultivator should not seek an easy and comfortable life.  Wisdom should not be obstructed by ignorance and afflictions.  So, encourage yourself to work hard.


When things are let go of, there is nothing under the clear skies.

There is no need to take the trouble to deceive and argue.

When mysteries are realized, everything will be congenial to your heart,

Which abides by nowhere and is innately untouched.


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. IV), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. Translated by Huei Ping Chang.





(1)以衣服、飲食、田宅  珍寶等…施與他人,稱為財施。 











Charities, the Good Deeds


Charities include the giving of wealth and that of the Dharma.  The former refers to giving clothes, food, property, jewels, etc. to others.  The latter refers to lecturing on the Dharma to people so that they can hear and accept it.  The former has its ending, while the latter is endless.  Those who give wealth can attain the fruit of the mundane world, while those who lecture on the Dharma will enter Nirvana and will not regress.


Charities are also divided into purity charity and impurity charity.  The former means that people give with a pure mind in order not to seek worldly fame and wealth but to enhance the transcendental roots of goodness and the cause of entering Nirvana.  The latter means that people give with wishful thinking in order to ask for blessings.


Everyone!  Cultivate the Dharma of goodness sincerely and diligently without losing valuable time.  The field of blessings should be cultivated from within.  Let’s encourage each other!


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. IV), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. Translated by Huei Ping Chang.












    每個人要修自性佛,佛經是我們修行的標準,以它來對照我們自己的思想、見解,錯誤的趕緊修正過來,使我們的思想、行為和經典標準一樣,即是正而不邪,捨無明返自性如來藏 此即皈依法。






受持三歸  具足眾戒 不犯威儀

發菩提心  深信因果 修諸淨業




A Brief Description of the Three Reliance


The Three Reliance includes reliance on the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha.  Reliance on the Three Treasures of the self-nature (also called the Three Self-Reliance) and realistic cultivation can help one get liberated from life and death.  


A Buddha means an enlightened being.  A Buddha of self-nature possesses the Buddha nature of True Suchness with the replete mind within and knows that he is without intentions and false thoughts.


Dharma means standards to follow.  The Dharma of self-nature is replete with the mind within and is the standards of morals, benevolence, and justice.  


Sangha means purity.  The Sangha of self-nature is also replete with the mind within and is pure without pollutions.


To cultivate the Dharma is to cultivate the Three Treasures of self-nature and to realize without delusions.  The Chinese character皈means turn back, and依means rely.  To turn back to rely on the self-awareness from being deluded and inverted is called rely on the Buddha.  This means not to rely on the exterior Buddhas but to rely on the Buddha nature of Great Realization possessed within  one’s mind. 


Everyone has to cultivate the Buddha of self-nature.  As the standard for our cultivation, the sutra can be used to examine our thoughts and views.  Once we find out mistakes, we should correct them quickly so that our thoughts and behaviors will be congenial to the standard of the sutra.  That is, our thoughts and behaviors will be good rather than evil, and we will abandon ignorance and return to the Tathagata treasure of self-nature.  This is called reliance on the Dharma.  


Sangha here refers not to monks or nuns, but to purity of the Six Senses that are pure and unpolluted as well as clean and peaceful.  


The Buddha said that our minds are originally pure, impartial, and compassionate.  So the character of compassion is innately possessed.


Abiding by the Three Treasures:

(1) In terms of course of action, when the Buddha was alive, He was regarded as the Buddha Treasure.  After He entered Nirvana, all the Buddha images made of metals, clay, wood, and paints should be respected as the Buddha Treasure.   Upon seeing it, we should think of the Buddha and worship Him.  This is not superstition, but reverence of the master and his teachings.  


(2) All the dharmas of purity and desire-detachment lectured by the Buddha, including the Three Treasuries and the Twelve Divisions, are the Dharma Treasures and are sutras.  All the Buddha’s sutras and Buddhist treatises by ancient sages are Buddhist Dharmas or Dharma Treasures.  Before entering Nirvana, the Buddha instructed His disciples to follow the Four Compliances (compliance with the dharma instead of people, compliance with the meanings instead of the language, compliance with the clear meanings instead of the unclear ones, and compliance with wisdom instead of consciousness) as if He were alive so that they wouldn’t go astray.


(3) Those who become tonsured, accept the replete precepts, and cultivate the pure practice are all Sangha Treasures.  The bhiksus and bhiksunis that have their heads shaved clean and wear the civaranis are also Sanghga Treasures.  It is people that expound principles, not principles that expound people.  What’s important about the Sangha Treasures is that they expound Buddhism and make it convenient for people to know Buddhism and practice it.  


We should abide by the Three Compliances, be replete with the precepts, and not violate the precept of stately deportment.  Also we should make a Bodhi mind, deeply believe causes and conditions, and cultivate all the pure practices.


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. IV), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. Translated by Huei Ping Chang.















The Mirror of Karmas


What are habitual tendencies and karmic hindrances?  Everyone has his own habitual tendencies that are hard to detect.  If they are solid and tangible, we can get rid of them easily.  But ignorance and habitual tendencies deeply reside in people’s hearts, and the karmic hindrances they bring about are so deep and overwhelming that it is useless to explain these karmic hindrances to people.


With just a little instruction, a man of high capabilities will realize.  But the dumb ones need detailed explanations.  Karmic hindrances come from one’s habitual tendencies.  Lazy people enjoy an easy and comfortable life, which is their habitual tendency, so it is difficult for them to enter the Path.  


It’s also difficult for a spiritual practitioner to enter the Path if he is prejudiced inflexible, which is his habitual tendency, too.  The same is true of someone who doubts and thinks too much and overflows with self-views.  The bad karmas made from habitual tendencies can hinder the Path and thus are called karmic hindrances.


Karmas are what people make and are not necessarily bad.  Some pure karmas like the Ten Benevolent Karmas are good ones.  


The karmas made by the body, speech and intention are called white karmas if they are good ones, and are called dark karmas if they are bad ones.  The worldly dharmas are flaw karmas, while the transcendental dharmas are flawless ones.  Those that are neither good nor bad are indefinite ones.  The Six Paths include Heavenly karma, the Human Karma, and so on.


From causes to conditions, the affinities are replete and the fruits are ripe.  Deep and forceful habitual tendencies that cannot be subdued are karmic affinities and karmic forces that may bring inevitable karmic fruits, karmic pains, and karmic retributions.  Those who are tied by habitual tendencies will surely be tied by karmas, sink into the sea of karmas, and get reincarnated endlessly like a karmic wheel.


The moment one is dying, the moon wheel may appear and reflect all the good and bad deeds he has done.  All the thoughts arising are reflected on the karmic mirror and are regarded as definite karmas created from the heart.  Those who can illuminate the mind fields will know that karmas are created by the mind, that the mind is illusory, and that karmas do not exist and will suddenly turn into nothing.  Such a power is incredible.


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. IV), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. Translated by Huei Ping Chang.








    每個人要修自性佛,佛經是我們修行的標準,以它來對照我們自己的思想、見解,錯誤的趕緊修正過來,使我們的思想、行為和經典標準一樣,即是正而不邪,捨無明返自性如來藏 此即皈依法。






受持三歸  具足眾戒 不犯威儀

發菩提心  深信因果 修諸淨業




A Brief Description of the Three Reliance


The Three Reliance includes reliance on the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha.  Reliance on the Three Treasures of the self-nature (also called the Three Self-Reliance) and realistic cultivation can help one get liberated from life and death.  


A Buddha means an enlightened being.  A Buddha of self-nature possesses the Buddha nature of True Suchness with the replete mind within and knows that he is without intentions and false thoughts.


Dharma means standards to follow.  The Dharma of self-nature is replete with the mind within and is the standards of morals, benevolence, and justice.  


Sangha means purity.  The Sangha of self-nature is also replete with the mind within and is pure without pollutions.


To cultivate the Dharma is to cultivate the Three Treasures of self-nature and to realize without delusions.  The Chinese character皈means turn back, and依means rely.  To turn back to rely on the self-awareness from being deluded and inverted is called rely on the Buddha.  This means not to rely on the exterior Buddhas but to rely on the Buddha nature of Great Realization possessed within  one’s mind. 


Everyone has to cultivate the Buddha of self-nature.  As the standard for our cultivation, the sutra can be used to examine our thoughts and views.  Once we find out mistakes, we should correct them quickly so that our thoughts and behaviors will be congenial to the standard of the sutra.  That is, our thoughts and behaviors will be good rather than evil, and we will abandon ignorance and return to the Tathagata treasure of self-nature.  This is called reliance on the Dharma.  


Sangha here refers not to monks or nuns, but to purity of the Six Senses that are pure and unpolluted as well as clean and peaceful.  


The Buddha said that our minds are originally pure, impartial, and compassionate.  So the character of compassion is innately possessed.


Abiding by the Three Treasures:

(1) In terms of course of action, when the Buddha was alive, He was regarded as the Buddha Treasure.  After He entered Nirvana, all the Buddha images made of metals, clay, wood, and paints should be respected as the Buddha Treasure.   Upon seeing it, we should think of the Buddha and worship Him.  This is not superstition, but reverence of the master and his teachings.  


(2) All the dharmas of purity and desire-detachment lectured by the Buddha, including the Three Treasuries and the Twelve Divisions, are the Dharma Treasures and are sutras.  All the Buddha’s sutras and Buddhist treatises by ancient sages are Buddhist Dharmas or Dharma Treasures.  Before entering Nirvana, the Buddha instructed His disciples to follow the Four Compliances (compliance with the dharma instead of people, compliance with the meanings instead of the language, compliance with the clear meanings instead of the unclear ones, and compliance with wisdom instead of consciousness) as if He were alive so that they wouldn’t go astray.


(3) Those who become tonsured, accept the replete precepts, and cultivate the pure practice are all Sangha Treasures.  The bhiksus and bhiksunis that have their heads shaved clean and wear the civaranis are also Sanghga Treasures.  It is people that expound principles, not principles that expound people.  What’s important about the Sangha Treasures is that they expound Buddhism and make it convenient for people to know Buddhism and practice it.  


We should abide by the Three Compliances, be replete with the precepts, and not violate the precept of stately deportment.  Also we should make a Bodhi mind, deeply believe causes and conditions, and cultivate all the pure practices.



Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. IV), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. Translated by Huei Ping Chang.




排開心頭霧 靈山霧本無

現量不分別 誰迷復離悟









乾坤一掌握  片雲蓋宇宙

三界微塵居 心器羅萬剎




The Bodhi Mind (I)


Discharge the mist in your heart.  

There is no mist on the Vulture Peak.

There are no differences in terms of direct, non-thinking manifestation of consciousness.

Who is lost, gets out of sufferings, and attains enlightenment?


The essence of the Bodhi mind is to benefit all living beings, which is congenial to the intrinsic quality of the Buddha’s teachings.  Therefore, the Bodhi mind is the seed of attaining Buddhahood and can engender all Buddhist Dharmas.


As far as the Bodhi mind is concerned, a lot of metaphors are used to describe it in Buddhism:

The Bodhi mind is like a fertile land that can give rise to all goodness.

The Bodhi mind is like clear water that can cleanse away all afflictions.

The Bodhi mind is like a strong wind that can blow away all obstacles.

The Bodhi mind is like a flame that can burn all evil views.

The Bodhi mind is like the sun and the moon that universally shine on all living beings.

We can see how important the Bodhi mind is.


Why is it important to make a Bodhi mind?  This is because only when the Bodhi mind is used as a solid basis can Buddhism develop and sustain.


The developed Buddhism can engender various fruits of goodness, just like the fallen leaves nourishing the land that used to give birth to them.  Under such mutual nourishment, the power of both sides will become greater and greater.


The Bodhi mind is like the mother earth that provides living things with nutrients.  It only gives but does not take.  What’s different is that the Bodhi mind grows the seeds of all goodness.


All the Buddhist Dharmas are like the seeds that fall into the fertile land of the Bodhi mind and then grow and become stronger.


The universe is held in the hand, and the whole world is covered by a piece of cloud.

The dusts dwell in the Three Realms, and the mind embodies all realms.


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. IV), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. Translated by Huei Ping Chang.
















Eradicate Afflictions by Yourself


To cultivate is to study, get rid of afflictions, develop wisdom, and attain Buddhahood by oneself.  To learn how to be a Buddha is like asking for medical aid and taking medicines, which depends on the cultivator himself.  So learning Buddhism is like looking for a map and medications that are waiting to be taken.


To learn how to be a Buddha is to learn how to be the same as a Buddha—pure, unrestrained, and afflictions-free, rather than learn how to be another Buddha.  Cultivation aims at severing all sufferings and seeking utmost happiness.  A cultivator should seek developing wisdom first, which depends on Samadhi.  To attain Samadhi depends on meditation, and meditation depends on Dharmas.


The basis of learning how to be a Buddha is to get rid of attachment.  With deep habitual tendencies, living beings are at a loss and are without viewpoints when seeing situations.  Thus they wander between life and death.  So the mind has to be trained so that it won’t be on the move.  It has to be kept steady day and night, should not be used miscellaneously, and should be enlightened first.  We should know that the initial thing to accomplish in learning how to be a Buddha is to know the mind and see the nature as a true, unrestrained realizer.


Principles have no fixed definitions, and if you make good use of them, you will attain them, directly confirm them in your heart, and return to the non-duality.  

Neither teachings nor schools are contaminated by habits.

One can penetrate everything no matter what realm he is in.


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. IV), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. Translated by Huei Ping Chang.












The Mountain God Invites to a Vegetarian Meal


Master Huei Wu in the Hsuei Dynasty abode by the Mahāvaipulya Buddhāvataṃsaka Sūtra and did the retreat together with another monk who abode by the Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra at Mountain Chuong Nan.  They lived on the mountain rocks, ate fruits, and cultivated their respective Dharmas.


Later someone came to invite them to a meal, but they modestly declined.  Then the inviter said, “May I respectfully treat Master Huei Wu who abides by the Mahāvaipulya Buddhāvataṃsaka Sūtra to a meal?”  Then Huei Wu followed this host to the meal.


As a matter of fact, the inviter was a mountain god and there were one thousand Arhats coming to the feast where Huei Wu was arranged to take the main seat.  At the end of the feast, the mountain god instructed a boy to serve Huei Wu.  The boy jumped and flew into Huei Wu’s mouth so that the monk gained spiritual powers.  Huei Wu went back to the mountain to fetch the scriptures, said good-bye to his fellow cultivator, walked farther and farther away in the Void, and finally disappeared into the horizon.


Reciting sutras and cultivation will bring magnificent merits, so here I sincerely invite everybody to recite the Mahāvaipulya Buddhāvataṃsaka Sūtra.



Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. IV), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. Translated by Huei Ping Chang.


















The Dharma realm is boundless and allows all to disturb.

The Great Void is still and thus is naturally peaceful.

Not a single dharma is established, and there are no Four Forms.

Tens of thousands of schools follow the flow and brighten the eternal skies.


Sometimes it is better for people to remain silent.  The heart should be like a shiny mirror that knows that he who talks much errs much.  It is better to keep silent than to talk much.


Attentiveness in cultivation can enhance the capability of enduring the comments from the world.  People’s sufferings result from the inability to turn around and give things a second thought when in pains and turbulences.  People may feel more unrestrained and with the Great Void when remaining silent.


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. IV), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. Translated by Huei Ping Chang.















To Be Aware or Not to Be Aware


The Vimalakīrti-Nirdeśa-Sūtra goes, “The Buddha lectures on the Dharma in one language, and the sentient beings understand according to their individual differences.”


Do not give rise to prejudices when cultivating the Buddhist Dharma.  The Tathagata lectures on the Dharma in one language, and the sentient beings understand according to their individual differences.  This depends on the respective capabilities of the hearers.  Do not argue before realizing the meanings of the Dharma.  Instead, realize the arising of the nature and cultivate realistically.  



Some know that the innate Buddha nature is ultimately empty, but they do not think of it as empty when encountering situations and transforming living beings.  Only sentient beings do not think of things as empty.  Bodhisattvas do, and give rise to existence from emptiness as well as enlighten the sentient beings.

















Former Karmas and Afflictions


The Śūraṃgama sutra says, “When one’s heart is unreal in cultivation, he will not be able to attain the fruit directly.”


The great differences between seniors and juniors and between the noble and the lowly show that the rule of causes and conditions is true, not false.


We should ponder over the fact that all the unfavorable things we encounter originate from the karmas we created before.  All the karmas created have their causes and conditions.  An ignorant thought may lead to delusions for kalpas.  Karmic forces may result in reincarnations in the Six Paths.  All the pains come from former bad karmas that will sustain for thousands of kalpas and at the ripe time one has to take the retribution himself.  


It also should be known that bad affinities come from one’s own bad intentions.  With false thoughts, one will pursue the chaotic exterior phenomena.  Covered by ignorance, one will sink into the sea of sufferings.  So we should diligently cultivate and accumulate the merits of precepts, stability, and wisdom so that we can get rid of the afflictions of greed, hatred and ignorance.  We will be able to return to our true selves if we can sincerely repent to cleanse our sins and contaminations.  


The lost wanderer chases the Six Paths.

The orphan is reduced to begging.

They are unwilling to move on their way home.

The Three Vehicles all turn toward Avinivartanīya.



Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. IV), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. Translated by Huei Ping Chang.




直心是菩薩法  深心是菩薩法

發心是菩薩法  降魔是菩薩法












What Dharmas Do Bodhisattvas Cultivate?


A straightforward heart is the Bodhisattva Dharma. 

A deep heart is the Bodhisattva Dharma.  

Making vows is the Bodhisattva Dharma.  

Subduing devils is the Bodhisattva Dharma.


Bodhisattvas are cultivating countless Dharma approaches, but, to sum up, they are the Four Great Vows, the Four Boundless Hearts, the Four Absorbing Approaches, the Six Perfections, and so on.  These are the approaches that all Bodhisattvas should fulfill when they make up their Bodhi minds to achieve anuttara-samyak-saṃbodhi.  


The Four Great Vows are briefly described as follows:

The Four Great Vows are made according to the Four Noble Truths—sufferings, accumulation, extinction, and the Path.

(1) Because sentient beings are suffering so much, I vow to rescue the countless sentient beings.

(2) Because sufferings are accumulated by karmas, I vow to sever the endless afflictions.

(3) In order to make sentient beings face toward the Path, I vow to learn the boundless Dharma approaches.

(4) In order to make sentient beings attain and confirm the fruit, I vow to achieve the supreme Buddha Path.


The Great Vehicle Bodhisattvas who practice sufferings, accumulation, extinction, and the Path and make up the Bodhi mind will expound the true significance of the Four Noble Truths with the Four Great Vows.  


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. IV), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. Translated by Huei Ping Chang.










普至法源底 悉臻第一義

不壞世間法 超然悟聖諦





Repent the Illusory Karmas


In normal times we should repent the karmas and sins created since the non-beginning era.  Though they are so illusory, we will be led by them since they are already made.


So, this is called vipaka retribution which is true and clear.  In order to get liberated and unrestrained, we should know and fear causes and conditions and should not create bad ones.


We should work hard on the Ten Paramitas that include alms-giving, abiding by precepts, tolerance, diligence, Samadhi, prajna, expedience, vows, forces, and wisdom.  The original meaning of Paramita is going to the opposite shore.  We should not only know it but also push ourselves to work hard on it in order to be congenial to it.  The Small Vehicle Dharma, the Big Vehicle Dharma, the Hearing Vehicle, the Bodhisattva Vehicle, the Buddha Vehicle, and the Secret Vehicle all belong to the One Vehicle Dharma in the Sad-dharma Sutra.


One should pervasively reach the bottom of the Dharma origin and its first meaning.

He should not spoil the mundane Dharma but realize the sacred truth transcendentally.  


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. IV), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. Translated by Huei Ping Chang.


















Talking About Karmas


The truths in the Buddhist Dharma are incredible.  How high your wisdom is and how deeply you believe in the real principles of the Buddhist Dharma depend on how much blessing you possess.  


People are born with causes and conditions as well as karmic retributions, so the most important thing for them to do is to cultivate so that they will be able to get in touch with religions to hear the right dharma, know the principles, get enlightened, and then improve their fate.  


Therefore, those who can avoid doing bad deeds, follow and do good deeds, widely benefit others, and strictly and purely abide by precepts can get enlightened earlier.  Then they will transcend the mundane and enter the sacred, get liberated from reincarnations, and finally return to the pure land of the self-nature (the native place).  This is the most important goal of life.


Those who create karmas and do not cultivate will fall into the Hell to suffer and get reincarnated.  They still have to cultivate in the next life.  If they don’t, they still have to in the life after next.  They have to cultivate in a lifetime in order to exempt the pain of reincarnations.  


We should cultivate as early as possible so that we can get out of sufferings and gain peace and happiness earlier.  There are numerous Pure Lands in the Heavenly Realm, and sentient beings can attain different positions according to their affinities, the dharma approaches they cultivated, their achievements, and the merits they have accumulated.


After people die, their souls have two ways to take.  The souls of those who did good deeds and cultivated, with the pure, positive air within their bodies, will elevate to the Pure Land or the Heavenly Realm to enjoy a free and happy life.  On the other hand, the souls of those who have no merits but have created karmas, with the turbid, negative air within, will fall to the Hell to suffer and get reincarnated.


To illustrate in terms of principles, those who are reborn in the Pure Land are broad-minded, tolerant, and acceptant.  They don’t haggle over anything but give conveniences to people. They benefit sentient beings and are not hindered by favorable conditions or adversities.  They are always pure, peaceful, and unrestrained without afflictions.  On the other hand, those who fall to the Hell are amok and ill-hearted.  They may harm others for their personal benefits.  They may kill, steal, and have sexual misconduct.


As long as we practice the Ten Goodness, sever the Ten Evils, do good deeds as much as possible, avoid doing evil deeds, abide by precepts, are mindful of Buddhas, and cultivate to be good souls, we will naturally be reincarnated in a place of goodness.  


It should be thought through that the accumulated merits and demerits, good and bad karmas, and whether one cultivates or not differ from people to people.  The same is true of the manifestations of the affinities of blessings, principles, Buddhas, and deities.  In Buddhism, the condition of brightness is the manifestation of one’s final destination.


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. IV), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. Translated by Huei Ping Chang.















寒山欲慕仙 喋喋讀黃老

梅前親不在 松後友杳馨

如何這款樣 逝去都不詳

今朝額頭白 不覺歎愁腸





Do Not Ask about the Future Prospects


Here is a poem by Master Shi Yuen, a Buddhist monk:


I have lived at Mount Han for thirty years.

Most of the relatives and friends that used to pay a visit have passed away.

They become fewer and fewer like the expiring candle and flow like the lost river.

Facing the lone shadow of my own, I unconsciously shed tears.


People’s minds are different as their faces show.  People created different karmas, good or bad, in their previous lifetimes, so they have different appearances in this life.  


Since ancient times, people have been confined to their destinies, so they resign themselves to fate and fail to make decisions for themselves.  If they intend to change their fates, how?


Without doubt, a person’s destiny can be created by himself.  If you want to know your destiny, all you have to do is ask yourself how you cultivate your mind field.  What you should do is do good deeds and plant the seeds of goodness diligently, but do not ask about your future prospects.  


Intending to admire the immortals at Mount Han, I keep reading the Taoist doctrines.

My parents are no longer in front of the plum trees, and my friends have disappeared from behind the pine trees.

What caused this to happen?  I was even not clearly informed of their death.

Now my hair in the forehead has turned gray, and I am unconsciously filled with sighs and worries.


We should think about the fact that time flies like an arrow and once it is gone, it will never return.  So we should diligently cultivate and do good deeds.  Previous karmas can be eliminated by following the affinities and new disasters should not be created, and all these can be accomplished by following the Path that contains boundless principles.  If we can think about it carefully and get enlightened, we will   benefit a lot from it.


Thank you all, and let us share this article.  


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. IV), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. Translated by Huei Ping Chang.




往昔所造諸惡業   皆由無始貪瞋痴

從身語意之所造   如今懺悔除三障












Hard or Easy to Get Rid of?


All the bad karmas I created before result from the greed, hatred, and ignorance in the non-beginning era.

They were all created from the body, speech, and mind. 

Now I repent in the hope of eradicating the Three Obstacles.


The fundamental way to eradicate the karmic hindrances is to extinguish ignorance.  Once it is extinguished, the karmic hindrances will naturally disappear.  They can roughly be seen, but the small parts of them are not easy to notice.  If someone gives rise to a thought to do bad things, such a thought will become empty if changed.  Emptiness is purity.  The key is whether he can change his thought or not.  Someone bears bad thoughts and does bad deeds because he is incapable of changing his mind.  So he will take advantage of the situation and do something irreversible.  This is the root of life and death, is called adherence to emotions, and will hinder the Path.


So when bad thoughts arise together with self-views and adherence to emotions, we have to get rid of the thoughts.  This means not to sever the thoughts or extinguish them, but to change them.  If we don’t, we will be clinging to something, which is a fetter and a karmic hindrance as well.  The degree of a man’s karmic hindrance depends on the depths of his accumulated habits.  The shallow ones are easy to rid, while the deep ones are difficult to rid.  Thoughts that are easy to let go of and can be changed quickly and those that immediately turn empty once reflected belong to shallow karmic hindrances.  Those cannot be let go of, changed, or reflected will become deeper hindrances and then become causes and conditions.


In order to eradicate karmic hindrances, one has to know causes and conditions and know that the causal grounds of karmic hindrances are innately empty.  People with low capabilities may not know causes and conditions as well as truths, so they may be mistaken by emptiness and thus enter the evil path.  Therefore, there must be standards to regulate them and precepts to teach them so that they won’t be dissolute.  Their way to the prajna has to be opened and there must be someone persuading them into changing their tempers so that they may have the chance to get rid of their karmic obstacles.  Once they are frankly instructed at the right time, they will get enlightened.


It is said in the sutra that people can go to the Pure Land with the karmas they have created.  But here “karmas” means that people’s views, thoughts, and delusions are not severed yet and that people are longing for seeing the magnificent scenery of the Pure Land.  When they are about to die, they don’t have enough power to go there and are not sure if they can go there.  So, with such right thoughts, they may gain quite a lot of assistance.  They can get reincarnated to the Pure Land if they do not cling to this life but are wholeheartedly mindful of Buddhas.  Once they are there, because their old habits and karmas are not eliminated yet, they can start learning for a long time until they are mature.  Next, they will be able to realize that sins and blessings are empty without arising and extinction.  Then their wisdom will open and they will see the Buddha of the innate nature.


The sutra says that karmas do not even exist, so why should we talk about eliminating them?  Those who do not know the mind field put emphasis on eliminating but ignore karmas.  People like these actually do not know causes and conditions.  So if we do not believe, understand, practice, and confirm according the prajna, we cannot eliminate our karmas.  


It is difficult to be born human, but we are humans already.  So we should cherish our life and reserve our capital earlier so that we won’t panic when facing emergencies.  Since practitioners already know the pain of life and death, they should think of ignorance as the cause, karmic hindrances as the affinity, and sufferings as the condition.  They should be more diligent in search of getting liberated and avoid entering the evil path again.


Let’s encourage each other on the path of cultivation.


The Mahāvaipulya Buddhāvataṃsaka Sūtra goes:

The thoughts in the mundane realm can be counted and known, and the water in the ocean can be drunk to the very end.

The Void can be measured and the wind can be tied, but the merits of Buddhas cannot be talked to the very end.




Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. IV), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. Translated by Huei Ping Chang.
















When the Affinities Arise, the Nature Becomes Empty


The Dharma is without reception, so there is no truth of sufferings.

The Dharma is without abiding, so there is neither severing nor accumulation.

The Dharma is without arising, so there is neither confirmation nor extinction.

The Dharma is formless, and the roots of the Path have to be cultivated.


When we benefit from cultivation, there will be a lot of situations that are all within the domains of the consciousness and illusions.  If we ignore them, they will not bother us.  We should not worry or fear when seeing devils coming to trouble us, and we should not be complacent or happy when seeing Buddhas coming to reinforce or bestow predictions.


The Śūraṃgama Sutra goes:

“If one does not get complacent with his success, he is in a situation of goodness.  If he is complacent with his success, he will be surrounded by devils.”


Ancient sages also said, “All one should do is do his best as an ordinary person, and should not beseech from without.”


During cultivation, we should retain our innate observation and reflection when good or bad situations manifest.  Then we will be able to cultivate proficiently without troubles.  



Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. IV), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. Translated by Huei Ping Chang.














The cultivation of Buddhism can keep us aware during or after meditation.  Without awareness, you won’t be able to get rid of your complicated emotions, no matter how much sutra or mantra you have recited, or how many bows and walks you have taken.  Keep in mind that this is the most important.


In order to be the master of his mind, a spiritual practitioner has to be aware of his own intentions and behaviors and keep observing his heart within.  Once the negative thoughts arise, he should handle them in an appropriate way.  Once the positive ones arise, he should strengthen them by turning them toward others.  


I hope that all living beings can attain the ultimate confirmation and realization.  The benefit brought by turning toward others enables the practitioner to retain his everlasting awareness by means of a calm and introspective cultivation.  Gradually he will have a better understanding of wisdom and will enhance the Bodhi mind.  Hence, awareness is the basic way to bring people out of reincarnations.   



Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. IV), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. Translated by Huei Ping Chang.





請問師父:修學佛法,如何用功, 應如何下手?









How Do We Study Hard?


Q:  In the cultivation and study of Buddhism, how do we work hard, and how do we start?

A:  We shouldn’t just depend on understanding and ignore real practice in the cultivation of Buddhism.  Practicing shouldn’t be ignored, but it shouldn’t be adhered, either.  After we have started cultivation, we shouldn’t put very much effort in the beginning, shouldn’t idle in the middle, and shouldn’t doubt in the end.  If we have achieved something, we shouldn’t be arrogant.  


What’s important in the cultivation is being realistic.  If we can take our time to practice deep into an approach and are undaunted by repeated setbacks, we will naturally go into the strict and profound levels.  When things have become clear and we have entered the non-duality, we should put emphasis on self-possession and refrain from hurrying.  When we become skillful, the bright radiance will manifest and we’ll be consummate in every aspect.


Studying Buddhism is easy, but to shoulder responsibilities is hard.   Shouldering responsibilities is easy, but to be realistic is hard.  Being realistic is easy, but to cultivate the Path is hard.  We should not be arrogant about what we are good at, but should often be aware of our shortcomings.  If we can make progress in cultivating the Path day after day, we will not regress.


Shouldering responsibilities is not the same as arrogance.  Being realistic is not the same as adherence to principles.  Cultivating the Path is not the same as abiding by laws.  The first step to making treasures is to choose materials, which should be pure and refined.  The second one is to sculpt delicately by hand.  The third is to polish.  The fourth is to put them into the earth and rid them of the internal heat.  Without being held in store for many years, the radiance of the treasures will not manifest.  The same is true of the cultivation of Buddhism.


If one bears dharma views in mind, and gives rise to arrogance without noticing it, this is like ascending the mountain and looking up to the sky without paying attention to what’s going on under his feet.  Each step he takes may be very dangerous.  This Saha world is filled with life and death.  If one can penetrate this and internally confirm, he will naturally be congenial to the Dharma.


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. IV), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. Translated by Huei Ping Chang.













Thinking and Induction


How are the doctrines classified and indicted?  How are they named and what approaches do they belong to?  How do we cultivate and think about the boundless doctrines to open up the treasures of Buddhism?


One of the Three Ways of Relying says that we should search deep into the sutras and make our wisdom as broad as the sea.  Buddhists should widely learn and hear to accept the treasures of the doctrines and think about the meanings of them.  


A spiritual practitioner should wholeheartedly cultivate.  In order to get enlightened and liberated, he has to not only widely learn and hear but also possess the right views.  So he has to repeatedly hear the sutras and Dharmas and think deeply.  There are no fixed Dharmas.  After deepening for a long time, he will gradually have different gains and realizations.  


How many classifications are there in the sutras, treatises, and laws?  How do we know the principles and gist of the various schools?


The principles are neither big nor small.  The 84,000 approaches are all congenial to individual capabilities.  If people can abide by these principles, they will be able to subdue the afflictions within.  Also they should think about the meanings of each classification and what issues are being illustrated.  Moreover, they should know the different names of each dharma form and think about how the dharma they hear should be classified in the Three Treasures.  


Spiritual practitioners also have to think about how the sutras, treatises, and laws are classified.  Only after they really know can they diligently cultivate.  If they can search deep into the sutras and make their wisdom as broad as the sea, the delicate thoughts will help them open the gate of the wondrous dharma.



Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. IV), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. Translated by Huei Ping Chang.














   中道觀,居空而不捨萬行,雖涉有,而一道清淨。二邊不住、  理事齊彰,中道一心、朗然齊鑑,此融會空有,妙契一心,故由三止而成三觀。





The Cultivation of Cessation and Observation



“Cessation” here means ceasing all of the phenomena and observing the meanings by following Samatha.  “Observation” here means differentiating affinities, arising and extinction and observing the meanings by following Vipasyana.  


If spiritual practitioners can diligently cultivate cessation and observation step by step without abandoning them, the genuine prajna will naturally manifest.


The Meaning of the Form of the Cessation and Observation:

Those who are cultivating the Six Perfections should be replete with stability and wisdom.  Cessation and observation are the causes, while stability and wisdom are the conditions.  Practitioners who intend to perfectly cultivate and rightly operate are in the causal paths that are combined into one single approach.


Samatha refers to the view of emptiness.  In terms of the cultivation of cease, practitioners follow the meaning of the view of emptiness and when the intention manifests, it will immediately cease.  However, the right intention lies in the observation, meaning that practitioners enter observation via cease.  The Tien Tai School established the Three Cessation-Three Observation Theory:


(1) The Cessation of the Entity and Genuineness (the Observation of Emptiness)


This is the emptiness of the entity and genuineness.  All affinities will naturally be silent.  When the single mind radiates, all dharmas will become clear.  So this is the observation of the immediate cease.  As to the observation of emptiness of Samatha, practitioners observe the gate of True Suchness and achieve the fundamental wisdom.


(2) The Cessation of Convenience and Compliance (the Observation of Falseness)


The mindset is steady when viewing the laws of arising and extinction as well as the illusory affinities.  When observing all the dharmas, practitioners do not abandon myriad of actions.  Although there is “existence,” the nature is always empty itself.  Then, the observation is immediately stopped.  So, if practitioners can follow the observation of falseness of Vipasyana to see the gate of arising and extinction, they will attain wisdom.


(3) The Cessation of the Two-Side Differentiation (the Observation of the Middle)


In the observation of the middle way, practitioners reside in emptiness and do not abandon the myriad of actions.  Although existence is involved, the single path is pure.  Practitioners do not abide on either of the two sides.  All the affairs managed will manifest together.  The middle way and the single mind are clearly reflected.  This integrates emptiness and existence and wonderfully matches the single mind.  So the three observations are achieved via three ceases.


Hence, there is no difference between the three observations and the single mind.  The cessations and observations are radiant together now.  The three observations are not clearly mentioned, but the reasons are actually complete.  If one can understand the two approaches of emptiness and falseness, the middle way of the single mind will manifest.  This is the key to the Great Vehicle.  So the first four of the five approaches are the tool for achievement and the approach of cease and observation is the theory.  With the form of prominent cultivation, the Big and Small Cessations and Observations of the Tien Tai School have multiple approaches in terms of meanings, but the theory is the simplest and most straightforward for cultivation.  So the practitioners should do their best.


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. IV), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. Translated by Huei Ping Chang.





























Why Should We Cultivate?


The key to cultivation is to manage our afflictions and habitual tendencies.  The less bad habits we have, the more progress we will make.


If a practitioner finds out that the more diligently he cultivates, the more bad habits he has, this is because he is cultivating according to the phenomena.  If he can often observe and cease his mind and know that both the body and the mind are false and illusory, and that the entity and real nature of the mind are not attainable, then, with such a reflection, he will be able to subdue the false feelings and adherences of his mind.  


If we can keep an upright mind twenty-four hours a day, then when something happens, we won’t give rise to afflictions since we are already selfless.   With such a reflection, wishful thinking will not arise.  This is a basic solution.


If we still cannot understand the selflessness, we should follow the Five Stoppings and Mind Observations instructed by the Buddha to deal with it.  These five approaches can mediate and calm the mind which will not change with situations.


The Five Stoppings and Mind Observations are:

1.When sentient beings are greedy, they should observe impurity.

2.When sentient beings are full of anger and hatred, they should observe compassion.

3.When the minds of sentient beings are scattering, they should observe breathing.

4.When sentient beings are stupid, they should observe affinities.

5.When sentient beings are suffering a lot of obstacles, they should observe being mindful of Buddhas.


NOTE:  The Five Stoppings and Mind Observations are explained as follows:

1.The Observation of Impurity:  This is to see all the organs inside the body as dirty ones to stop greed.  Those who are greedy should cultivate this.

2.The Observation of Compassion:  This is to look at the painful, pitiful situations of all sentient beings to stop anger and hatred.  Those who easily tend to get angry and disgusted should cultivate this.

3.The Observation of Affinities:  This is to observe the twelve affinities and know that all dharmas arise from affinities and that causes and conditions persist for three lifetimes in order to stop stupidity.  Those who are ignorant should cultivate this.

4.The first part is The Differentiation Observation:  This is to turn towards dharmas and differentiate the Six Realms or the Eighteen Realms to stop one’s opinions.  Those with too many self-opinions can cultivate this.  The second one is The Observation of Being Mindful of Buddhas, which is to get rid of one’s karmic obstacles by seeing the magnificent appearances and merits of Buddhas.

5.The Observation of Breathing:  This is to pay attention to the inhalation and exhalation and silently count from one to ten for each breathing so that the scattering mind will cease.  Those with a scattering mind should cultivate this.


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. IV), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. Translated by Huei Ping Chang.








    所謂正報與依報。我們能得究竟智與佛之一切智智,開顯本有的菩提心,這就是正報。有正報就有依報,人之所以能創造一番事業,其因何在?主要在於人們具足智慧才能。當你具足本有的才能時,你的事業自然會有所成就。若才能尚不具足,則更加長養悲心, 誠心懺悔,祈求智慧增長,讓依報具足。





How Do We Start to Cultivate?


How do we make the Bodhi mind manifest?  How do we start the great compassion and wondrous actions?  What are the basic principles?


The Bodhi mind is based on great compassion.  The self-nature can open up an endless, secret, and solemn land.  Hence, the Pure Land will naturally form without being constructed.


There are direct retribution and circumstantial retribution.  The former means  people can attain the utmost wisdom as well as the Buddhas’ sarvajnana to open up the innate Bodhi mind.  The latter means people without replete capabilities should cultivate compassion and sincerely repent to pray for the growth of wisdom so that they may be replete with circumstantial retribution.  Those who are successful in business surely are replete with wisdom and capabilities.


Therefore, the great compassion and wondrous actions are like the seeds that need water, earth, and people in order to grow and become strong.  If a spiritual practitioner is compassionate, he will surely increase his Bodhi mind.  If we cultivate in this way, then, when the direct retribution is achieved, the circumstantial retribution will naturally be achieved, too.



Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. IV), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. Translated by Huei Ping Chang.







古人云: 「制心一處,無事不辦」






Subduing the Mind


Learning how to be a Buddha is not to ask a favor of Buddhas, but to ask a favor of oneself.  Before one asks a favor of himself, he has to subdue his mind first.


If one can prevent the Three Poisons from invading, he will naturally develop his wisdom.  Without wisdom, the Three Poisons cannot be subdued.


Someone has asked if we should subdue our minds first or pursue wisdom first.  Actually there is not an order of priority.  Being able to subdue the Three Poisons means developing wisdom.  Each of the two is the cause of the other without priority.  


After the mind has calmed, stability will be attained, and from stability one will develop wisdom.  In stability, principles are followed and include precepts.  Being mindful of Buddhas, cultivating the Dharma, and Zen observations are all principles and precepts as well.  All in all, they aim at subduing the mind.


An old saying tells us that if we can wholeheartedly subdue the mind, then everything can be accomplished.  


The Buddha lectured on all dharmas in order to transform all kinds of minds.

Since I don’t have all kinds of minds, why should I use all dharmas?



Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. IV), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. Translated by Huei Ping Chang.















與大眾共勉 吉祥




Cultivate Various Approaches Diligently


The heart should not withdraw from all kinds of good deeds.

Make up a strong determination and stay away from timidity.


We should keep in mind that in the past countless kalpas we have greatly suffered reincarnations and have lived the human lives in vain without benefitting anyone.  So we have to diligently cultivate the merits to benefit both ourselves and others and get rid of all sufferings quickly.


Even though people have confidence in cultivation, they still have many obstacles such as the ignorance from the past lifetimes, interference by devils, disturbance by people, matters, and objects in the mundane world, and diseases.  


Therefore, we should be bravely diligent, be mindful of the Buddhas day and night, worship the Buddhas, and sincerely repent.  Moreover, we should do good deeds to accumulate virtues and turn them toward Bodhi continuously and diligently to increase the roots of goodness.  These are the bright, progressive forms, and practitioners should persist in their good intentions and make up a strong determination as the basis of cultivation.


For those who worship Buddhas, to rely on Buddhas is the most magnificent thing.  For those with severe hindrances, there are some ways to get rid of them:

(1) To repent can help eradicate bad karmic hindrances.

(2) To persuade others into doing good deeds can help eradicate the hindrance of slandering dharmas.

(3) To identify with and be happy about others’ good deeds can help eradicate the hindrance of being jealous of others.

(4) To turn toward Bodhi can help eradicate the hindrance of taking pleasure in the Three Bhavas.

The above four hindrances may stop practitioners from doing good deeds and entering Bodhi.  So, as long as they are eradicated, the roots of goodness will increase.  At the moment of thinking, the thought should be improved and the goodness be diligently cultivated.  


Let’s encourage each other.  Auspiciousness to everybody! 


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. IV), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. Translated by Huei Ping Chang.
















Cultivating the Dharani


Those who are working hard on the cultivation intend to be free from life and death, just like people who drink water know whether it is hot or cold.  It takes efforts in both non-actions and actions.  When both are diligently practiced day and night, there will be genuine realization.  


When the immeasurable wondrous doctrines are realized, the flowers of Prajna will universally bloom.  The dharma will be boundlessly propagated even in a realm as small as dust.


One who diligently practices the dharma should dwell in a quiet place in the mountains, repress his impatience, abide by the principles and standards, play down his desires, and penetrate deeply into the sutras, then he will increase his wisdom and get out of puzzlement.  


If he can understand the meanings of the sutras, he will be able to solve his knotty problems and know causes and conditions.  If he can cultivate diligently and find peace in the solitary life, then he will be able to forge ahead, eradicate arrogance, and get rid of all sins.


The diligent practitioner of great bravery gets out of the sea of life and death in order to rescue sentient beings.  He protects everything with compassion like the big sun that universally shines.  His wisdom is like the flow of spring and he may soon get enlightened to benefit others and himself.


In order to confirm and attain silence and peace, a spiritual practitioner has to transcend the contamination of the Five Desires.  He has to diligently cultivate the Dharani, give alms, adhere to precepts, tolerate, diligently study, and calmly think to gain Prajna Paramita.  If he can abide by the calm thinking Paramita, he may have a pure and peaceful mind which is away from desires, even though he is encountering many unfavorable affinities.


Let’s encourage each other on the path of cultivation.


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. III), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. Translated by Huei Ping Chang.














Cultivating the Buddhist Dharma


We have a lot of wishes when cultivating the Dharma.  Among those who are cultivating the Dharma in the same temple, some know deep dharma texts, while others know shallow ones.


Among those who keep meditating in the meditation room, some are enlightened, while others are just wasting time and will have to be reincarnated over and over again.  Among those who are living in the temple, some go to the Pure Land after they die, while others fall into an Evil Path after they die. 


Two things may look the same, but in actuality they may be different.  Some people are lazy, while others are diligent.  A group of people study and listen to the Dharma in the same way, but they are different in orders.  The teaching of the deep dharma has to be conducted from the shallow to the deep.  


People have their own retributions individually.  The cultivators of the Buddhist dharma have different ways of hearing, thinking, practicing, understanding and getting enlightened, so their achievements are also different. 


Cultivation aims at opening up wisdom as well as the innate perception of life and getting rid of the accumulated habitual tendencies.  A cultivator has to know that the past, the present, and the future are all unattainable.  Then what is worth clinging to?  What’s important is the mind at present.  


The top priority in cultivating the mind is to open up wisdom.  One can enter the thinking realm through hearing, thinking, practicing, experiencing, and realization.  Through the bright view arising from thoughts, one can take everything to the heart, feel serenity upon seeing the heart, and get enlightened immediately, even though there is no difference between affinities and circumstances.  He will naturally know the principles that are difficult to understand.  All the correct knowledge in the world is penetrating and unequalled, so we should cultivate it.  


Myriad of seeds of the Mere Mind are spread.  Those who know them can find similarities from differences.  Understanding and actions should both be emphasized.  Blessing and wisdom should both be cultivated.


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. III), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. Translated by Huei Ping Chang.



同住道場各自營 些些言語莫傷情

一回相見一回老 能得幾時同弟兄






Cultivate Affinities and Repletion


Those who live in the same cultivation center manage individually.  Do not hurt the feelings of each other with trivial talks.  Every time we meet, we find each other older.  How much time do we have to get together as brothers?


It is good luck and happiness to meet some people, while it is a cultivation of the mind, a practice of the personality, and a test to meet others.


During cultivation, you will gradually find that sometimes what you want to say is actually unnecessary.  A simple smile or gesture is already enough to complete most of the communication.  There is no difficulty on the Great Path.  Let’s use our sincerity to deal with matters together.


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. III), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. Translated by Huei Ping Chang.






感恩 吉祥




Form an Aspiration to Cultivate


When we are cultivating Buddhism, we should have obvious and outstanding change and performance, which is a voiceless expression.  We should let people around us feel the power of cultivation.  In the life of cultivation, what is influenced secretly is our soul.  So we should cultivate our own mind to let people gradually sense our change.


We should let people know about cultivation by doing charitable deeds and telling them what we are promoting and what we are doing for the public.  By making use of all the good dharmas, resources, and spiritual powers, we can benefit sentient beings and encourage people of great virtue and with the same aspirations to practice kindness together.


It’s very important to practice and abide realistically and aggressively.  As long as we make some achievement in cultivation, we will feel more joys and less hardships.  Only those who have gone through it know the abundance of the soul.


Gratitude and Auspiciousness to You All!


Source:  Sweet Dew for the Soul (Vol. III), Written by Master Shih Longmen Yuantong. Translated by Huei Ping Chang.