13.大方廣圓覺修多羅了義經_清淨定輪   釋隆門 圓通法師


The Fourth Purified Fixed Turn:  Cultivate Samatha First and Samapatti Next


If Bodhisattvas attain extreme stillness, cultivate a wise mind with stillness,   and shine on all illusions, the Bodhisattva act will arise from these efforts.  These Bodhisattvas cultivate Samatha first and Samapatti next.





















釋隆門圓通 合十


Attain Extreme Stillness First:


Cultivate Stopping first.  When facing changeful outer circumstances, such thought and wisdom are based on speculation, which is still a little far away from observation.  So, in face of situations, you still have to give a little thought.  At most, because you have become skillful, you don't bother to give thought.  Then suddenly you will  understand the meaning of emptiness.


Be attentive and alert first, then when in non-action you will have the chance to observe.  This needs to be practiced, and with this, force will be developed for you to know your mind.


Cultivate a Wise Mind with Stillness That Shines on All Illusions:


The Buddha nature has always been in the sentient beings since the Non-beginning Era.  Through stillness you can see your original self-nature covered by heavy ignorance and afflictions.  At this point, the Stopping grows more matured and can bring wisdom.

The light of prajna wisdom appears and it is confirmed that everything is as unreal as a dream.


In the Buddhist doctrine, "Stopping and Observing " is often used to replace "Stillness and Wisdom."  So the terms "Dual Cultivation of Stopping and Observing" and "Equal Upholding of Stillness and Wisdom" came into being.  Attain stillness first and then cultivate wisdom.  This is the dual cultivation of Stopping and Observing. Only in this way can you observe emptiness.


Bodhisattva Act Will Arise from These Efforts:


When Stillness and Observation is almost accomplished, you don't have to intentionally put efforts on it.  Instead, you should let go of the phenomena from it and you don't have to be alert and attentive.  

Then Stopping and Observing will naturally arise. This is so called emptiness is still empty and prajna is unattainable.  If both observable prajna wisdom and non-nature emptiness being observed are extinct, then Anasrava (wisdom of no-leakage) arises.


The Shurangama Sutra goes, "the pure transcendental light is accessible from all sides and shines on the whole universe.  Whatever is observed in the secular world is like a dream."  The Six Contaminations do not take effect on the Six Consciousnesses, i.e., the surroundings will not bring vexations and adherence anymore.


To this extent, you attain perfect enlightenment which is the Buddhas' realm.  It's not easy for an ordinary person to attain enlightenment once and stayed enlightened forever.  Also, it's impossible for an ordinary person to attain enlightenment once and stay enlightened perfectly.  So, do it from coarse to fine, from the surface to the moment when all afflictions are purified.  Naturally you will achieve from such a Bodhisattva act.


Shih Longmen Yuantong,

Palms together



第五清淨定輪: 先修奢摩他,後修禪那。














釋隆門圓通 合十


The Fifth Purified Fixed Turn:  Cultivate Samatha First and Dhyana Next


If Bodhisattvas attain ultimate nature of non-action, sever vexations forever, and get out of life -and-death forever because of their wisdom of non-action, then we can say that they cultivate Samatha first and Dhyana next.


When it comes to non-action, most people will think of meditation. Meditation is a practice of non- action, but when practicing the real non-action, you have to forget your body and feelings and really calm your mind down. This does not mean ignorance or drowsiness.


Attaining Ultimate Nature of Non -action: the School of Consciousness- only mentions the mixture of consciousness, root and contamination which take effects and can be divided into 4 parts: form, view self-confirmation and confirmation of self -confirmation.  This is what the School of Consciousness-only calls confirmation of self-confirmation.


 "Being diligent in the behaviors" refers to the practice of the Bodhisattva way which starts from knowing all the known existing phenomena to illuminating and seeing according to the variant phenomena.   Such a knowing has a function that is different from understanding and view: one is able to see that all phenomena are unreal. But this is not the deepest realization.


Rather, one should more deeply confirm that there is a subjectivity in his view which contains a subject and an object. Non-action may produce wisdom. keep working hard.  At the ripe time, when one confirms and realizes that all Dharmas are empty, he will be able to remove vexations.  The so-called sudden removal of vexations means one is free from life-and-death. The School of Zen mostly follows this path.


Only when one is awake will he not be brought into Samsara by delusions. Any improper thought is regarded as illusory and rootless. After such a direct realization becomes steady, some masters who are highly enlightened say, "The rocks here are soft."  Then they leave footprints there.


Being diligent in meditation may involve the order of life-and-death. Practitioners who work harder will not fall into the trap of thoughts. When concepts and thoughts disappear in the thoughtless wild like a cordless kite, one will purely stay calm and forget the feelings of the body.  He will neither feel nor respond.  He will be steady in the equal awareness.


Shih Longmen Yuantong,

Palms together



The Third Purified Fixed Turn: Sole Cultivation of Dhyana


If Bodhisattvas terminate all illusions and do not seek effects, and sever all afflictions, they'll attain real forms.  What such Bodhisattvas cultivate is called Sole Cultivation of Dhyana.























釋隆門圓通 合十


Dhynan is not Dhyana-Samadhi, which sometimes means Dhynan and sometimes means stability.  To get away from forms externally is Zen (Dhynan) and to remain orderly internally is stability (Samadhi ).  When combined, the two mean Dhyana-Samadhi.


Termination of All Illusions:  concepts and thoughts are like a thief that walks quietly on tiptoe and enters our perceptions.  We should not try to catch him or kill him, but should watch him come and go until he has nothing to steal in the empty room.


Seeking No Effects and Severing All Afflictions:  we should not be cheated by all illusions, and neither should we be attached to and infected by them.  Also, don't take them seriously and don't parrot outer phenomena.



After All the Afflictions Are Severed, Real Forms Are Attained:  if we want to attain a calm mind by observing the inhaling and exhaling and being mindful of Buddhas, we have to observe the non-self-nature of the breathing as well as Buddhas' names when we enter the status of Stopping and Observing.


The visualization of breathing and all Dharmas as illusory and without self-nature is conducted in an integral and straightforward way.  This is just like the way we burn a bundle of straw.  Once the fire is lit, it will burn up the straw quickly.  The same is true of severing afflictions with prajna (wisdom) and attain real forms little by little.


Real forms are without forms.  The prajna real forms are perfect and pure.  This is called Sole Cultivation of Dhyana.  Dhyana is not Dhyana-Samadhi but right thoughts.  Observe and think clearly with wisdom until you reach the realm of "nothing to think about and nothing to perceive."  Then where are you? You are in the innate perception.


Within the enlightened nature, thoughts are unable to stay, and will completely disappear in the flame of the unique enlightened nature.  If practitioners can do their best to cultivate, they can reach the realm of enlightenment.


Shih Longmen Yuantong,

Palms together



The Second Purified Fixed Turn: Sole Cultivation of Samapatti 


If Bodhisattvas solely observe everything as illusory, due to the force from the Buddhas, they can change the world and take various effects.  Preparation Bodhisattva, when doing pure and wondrous deeds, still keeps silent thoughts and silence wisdom in Dharani (real and important speech).  What such a Bodhisattva practices is called Samapatti.













古靈禪贊禪師有一詩偈: 「蠅愛尋光紙上鑽,不能透過幾多難。忽然撞著來時路,始信平生被眼瞞。」「唯觀如幻,以佛力故,」對於現實生活中的喜怒哀樂,以及是非、善惡,如果仔細探究,這些其實是與自己不相干的。











隆門圓通 合十


In the Consummate Enlightenment Sutra, the Buddha answered the question raised by

Bien-Yin Bodhisattva , " All the Bodhisattvas and latter day sentient beings cultivated according to the Unenlightenment and Illusion.  So at that time there were 25 pure fixed turns that were called Bodhisattvas' 25 turns in which all Bodhisattvas were practicing."


Practitioners should uphold the Purified Cultivation (Brahmacarya).  They should pursue the calm thinking, ask for pity, and repent.  Twenty-one days later, each of the turns will be marked.  Ask for pity sincerely and conveniently make a knot (as a mark).  Disclosure will be made according to the knot, and how much progress a practitioner has made will be clearly shown.  Anyone who has a thought of doubt and regret will not make achievements.


The Treatise on the Great Perfection of Wisdom says, "All cultivations of Zen and concentration focus on Samadhi.  This was called 'a right mind taking effect' in the Chin Dynasty language.  Our mind has been crooked since the non-beginning age.  If we have such a right mind taking effect, our mind will be straightened.  This is similar to a snake that moves in a crooked way and will become straight after entering a bamboo pipe.


Smapatti also means “equally arrive," which means that when one is away from a groggy and chaotic mind, what he hears and his right perception are equally free from the contamination of longing.  With a peaceful mind, one sees the entire world as pure and bright, which is in the realm of Samadhi.  Such a way of observation is not just a theory but should be cultivated practically.


Samapatti can be translated as observe or view, meaning various kinds of observations and seeing the truths.  The Saha world is also called Bearing, where the living beings bear the Ten Evils and afflictions, and are unwilling to get out of them.  The Saha world is regarded as a cohabitation of Three Evils and Five Realms.  Treatise on the Lotus Sutra goes, "What's called Saha in Sanskrit is called Bearing here.  When Bodhisattvas are benefiting sentient beings, they're often troubled by complaints and jealousy, but they still can bear the tiredness.  This is how this world is named."


Here is a verse by Master Kulingzentsan: The fly loves to seek light and bore on paper, but has difficulty in boring into it.  Suddenly it sees the way it took earlier, and only at this moment does it realize that it has been cheated by its own eyes.


Due to the Buddhas' power, we can see things as illusory.  If we can carefully look into the joy, anger, sadness and happiness as well as good and evil, then all these will be irrelevant to us.


The Diamond Sutra says,"All the beings are just like a dream and illusion, as well as dew and fire-flag, so we should treat them as they are."  This tells us that the world we are in is illusory and unreal.  Hence we should see things as illusory.  Buddhist Sutras often point out that everything is illusory and human life is like a dream.  In fact, such an illusion is also a realm for us to learn.


When entering Samadhi, we can change the world and take various effects. "When changing the world and taking various effects, Preparation Bodhisattva is doing pure and wondrous deeds."


When we observe and realize the state of "sole independence, " at the right time we will find out that everything is worldly with false existence.  The self-nature cannot be attained.  If we deeply observe and choose, we'll have the right view of empty existence without hindrance.


"In Dharani, silent thoughts and silent wisdom are still kept."  In the sole practice of Samapatti, constant force and wisdom force are equally upheld.  Bringing wisdom into play is a mobile phenomenon and in the mobile phenomenon of cultivating Illusion Observation, we have to keep our constant force.


Shih Longmen Yuantong, 

Palms together



The First Purified Fixed Turn: Sole Cultivation of Samatha


If a Bodhisattva works on the utmost calm, the force coming from the calm will help sever vexations and thus he will make ultimate achievements.  He will enter Nirvana without leaving the seat.  What such a Bodhisattva practices is called Samatha.


The Consummate Enlightenment Sutra 


Bien-Yin Bodhisattva asks, "World-Honored one, such is a rare Dharma approach which is convenient for all the Bodhisattvas to cultivate.  How many of them are cultivating under the Consummate Enlightenment Approach ?"

The Buddha tells Bien-Yin Bodhisattva, "All Tathagatas are perfectly enlightened and purified, and originally there were no cultivation and cultivators.  All the Bodhisattvas and latter day sentient beings cultivated according to the Unenlightenment and Illusion.  So, at that time there were 25 pure fixed turns.  Virtuous man, such turns are called Bodhisattvas' 25 turns in which all Bodhisattvas are practicing.


The Bodhisattvas and latter day sentient beings that abide by such cultivation turns should uphold the Purified Cultivation (Brahmacarya).  They should pursue the calm thinking, ask for pity, and repent.  Twenty-one days later, each of the turns will be marked.


Ask for pity sincerely and conveniently make a knot (as a mark).  Disclosure is made according to the knot, and how much progress a practitioner has made will be clearly shown.  Anyone who has a thought of doubt and regret will not make achievements.













釋隆門圓通 合十



Here is a passage in Yogācāryabhūmi: "Bodhisattvas are able to listen, accept, fluently recite, remember and ponder over the content, and correctly understand the content.  Practitioners should attentively think about the Dharma when they are alone."  Working on the utmost calm is a right cultivation that makes practitioners settle down their minds and seek calm only.  The force of calm can help eradicate afflictions and make practitioners light and peaceful both mentally and physically.  This is called Samatha.


In our daily life, we should concentrate our minds.  Under the operation of "stopping," our innate nature will be revealed. Because of concentration, the appearance of outer situations is just a manifestation. We should not take it to the heart, and neither should we follow it.  Rather, we should shut our consciousnesses with a peaceful mind and manifest our wide, delicate and steady nature.


 Furthermore, we should think of the combination of the Five Skandas as  unreal and should clearly know when to stop depending on them.   We used to regard people, matters, objects and   the whole world as real, but they are in actuality illusive and without shambhala (self - nature).   Even our inner psychological activities, such as emotions, thoughts, perceptions and consciousnesses are all illusive and without svavbhava .  We should stop our discrimination against all phenomena.


Clean away all your understanding and views.  Once they are pure, your eyes of parajna wisdom will become clear and bright. And you can see that all dharmas are empty and are like illusive shadows. Existence, non- existence, arising, cease, unity, differences, coming and going are all unattainable.


Because we are able to stop and calm, all our thoughts and concepts become less and less, and each breathing becomes clear.  Also, we can chant the names of Buddhas very clear- headed.  If we can get rid of all chaotic vexations and make our bodies and minds light and peaceful and enter a fixed situation, then this is also "entering Nirvana without leaving the seat."  By doing so, we can also achieve.


Shih Longmen Yuantong,

Palms together



第二清淨定輪: 單修三摩鉢提









古靈禪贊禪師有一詩偈: 「蠅愛尋光紙上鑽,不能透過幾多難。忽然撞著來時路,始信平生被眼瞞。」







釋隆門圓通 合十





十行品云: 「菩薩摩訶薩,於無量劫修諸行時,終不惱亂一眾生,令失正念。」















釋隆門圓通 合十
























圓通 合十