佛說太陰經  釋隆門圓通法師


A Share of Tzulong Dharma Text


The Buddha speaks of the Moon Sutra –VI

When people are reciting the Moonlight Sutra, it’s like their storehouse is filled with gold.

You can’t take the gold with you, so when you are leaving, do not forget the two volumes of sutra.  

It can cover up your body and protect your appearance.

All disasters will be far away from you and turn into dust.

A golden bridge will be connected to the golden palace up there, and a lotus flower will arise from inside the fire.

There are just twenty-five words in this sutra, but it is a treasure sutra of Hua Yen.


Namo Moonlight Bodhisattva Mahasattva!


A Share of Tzulong Dharma Text


The Buddha speaks of the Moon Sutra –V

This is really a wondrous stutra, so you have to keep it in mind all year round.

If lay practitioners can recite it several times, thousands of auspicious clouds will gather and hundreds of blessings will come.

You should resolve to recite the Universally Radiant Sutra, Universally Radiant Bodhisattva Moonlight Sutra, and

Moonlight Bodhissattva Universally Radiant Sutra.

Recite sutras with the plain pearls in your hand.

Recite once in the top, and once in the bottom till the Buddha favors from the West arise .


A Share of Tzulong Dharma Text


The Buddha speaks of the Moon Sutra –IV

I do not produce the sweet dew water.

It has been well-known that only Yang without Yin cannot make living things grow.

I was born on the sixth day of the first month on the Lunar Calendar. 

Lay practitioners have to be sincere.

With a stick of incense and a lamp, you     can stay away from diasters, and blessings will naturally come.

Those who do not respect the God of the Moon may suffer plagues and diseases.

If virtuous men respect me, they will win top marks in the national examinations and become noble people.

If virtuous women respect me, they will

be able to hear sutras on the rock full of red lotus.

If officials respect me, their official ranks will be promoted and their lifespans extended.

If people respect me, they will continuously enjoy blessings and official positions which will shield their offspring.


A Share of Tzulong Dharma Text


The Buddha speaks of the Moon Sutra –III

Who takes pity on me in this Maha-sahasra-lokadhatu, who roam on the light clouds alone?

At five a.m. day breaks again and the sun shines on the top of the mulberry tree.

I do not move until the Sun appears.

After toiling for the whole night, I am exhausted.

Only Buddhas are respected.

Who will respect me, the God of the Moon?

All vegetation relies on me, and no crops can grow and ripen without me.


A Share of Tzulong Dharma Text


The Buddha speaks of the Moon Sutra –II

I appear at one o’clock a.m. to light up a multitude of stars in the whole sky.

Travellers and guests appreciate the scene, but none of them reveres me, the God of the Moon.

At two a.m., when everybody is sleeping soundly, I am galloping in Heaven.

I move day and night and do not dare to idle, and circle around punctually at all times .

At three a.m., it’s freezing cold, and the severe frost and dew are soaking my clothing.

I do not shun the cold wind and the heavy rain but I am only wholeheartedly mindful of my body and soul.

At four a.m., I move toward the West, making the twenty-eight constellations even brighter.


A Share of Tzulong Dharma Text


The Buddha speaks of the Moon Sutra –I

I was already there before the creation of living things.

I am the God of the Moon in Heaven.

After Yin and Yang were discerned, the Sun and the Moon came into being.

The Sun is in charge of yang and I am in charge of Yin.

The matching between Yin and Yang complies with filial piety.

The Filial Piety Tathagata takes charge of Heaven and Earth.

In the top he takes charge of the Thirty-Three Heavenly Realms, while 

In the bottom he illuminates the gates of the Eighteen Hells.

He visits every household and forest.

He shines all over the world and wanders in every country.